Friday, August 19, 2016

Drunken Frankenhillary

Rumors are running rampant about the medical condition of Hillary Clinton.  And with the candidate taking four days off from the grueling campaign this close to election voting which begins in just a few weeks only adding fuel to those rumors.  Unidentified sources have confirmed that Hillary is in desperate need of a complete overhaul.  Seems that the Clinton Foundation is putting pressure on Planned Parenthood to provide certain body parts while at the same time a "pay for play" agreement has been reached with the Jim Beam Distilleries to provide large quantities of a certain "precious bodily fluid".  A fluid that is absolutely essential for candidate Clinton in this pressure cooker campaign season.  It is becoming clear that Frankenhillary is little more than a conglomerate consisting of a little Marx, Alinsky, and Planned Parenthood mixed with a large portion of that Precious Bodily Fluid from Jim Beam.  In Hillary's case the most vital ingredient of all!     

1 comment:

  1. I've enjoyed not having to listen to her these past few days. It's been very refreshing.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺


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