So there will be no misunderstanding I blame BP for the oil spill in the Gulf and the President of the United States for the sorry way the clean up effort has gone. This is a tragedy and I do not seek to minimize it. I just think the news media and politicians have exploited this event for varying reasons. Our great "Community Organizer" may be great at lining up undocumented voters at the polls, but when it comes to something of this magnitude he is totally out of his league!
This is the greatest oil spill in American history! A tragedy for those fisherman and businesses along the Gulf Coast. An accident that will bring death to thousands of birds and tens of thousands of marine creatures. But to hear the talking heads on the various networks one would think this is the end of life in the Gulf of Mexico, an unparalleled eco disaster. For too long we have let the "greenies" define the environment. They have successfully defined the eco-system as a fragile child, when in reality "Mother Nature" is anything but fragile---she is a tough old lady who will be around when we are all gone.
This is the greatest oil spill in American history! A tragedy for those fisherman and businesses along the Gulf Coast. An accident that will bring death to thousands of birds and tens of thousands of marine creatures. But to hear the talking heads on the various networks one would think this is the end of life in the Gulf of Mexico, an unparalleled eco disaster. For too long we have let the "greenies" define the environment. They have successfully defined the eco-system as a fragile child, when in reality "Mother Nature" is anything but fragile---she is a tough old lady who will be around when we are all gone.
Let me put the oil spill in a somewhat different light. The Gulf contains over 660 quadrillion gallons of water and if the hole in bottom of the Gulf spews some 10-100 million gallons of oil (at this time the amount of oil leaking is just a estimate) that would mean that the amount of oil in the Gulf would be 1-10 parts oil to about 1 billion parts of water. Not even a "drop in the bucket", not even the drop in the large swimming pool, more like a drop in a lake! To give you a better idea of what 10 million gallons is, " the Mississippi River empties that much water into the Gulf every 2 seconds". This is not the end of the world, this is not the end of the Louisiana wetlands, but iscause for concern but not for panic! So beware of the "HYPE! HYPE! HYPE! HYPE! HYPE!" for it will only increase in order to advance various agenda's!
Ron, the part of the Gulf that is being polluted is the topmost layer where most of the critters live.
Also, you can lay blame for this spill on the Obama administration as well. Jindal approved BP drilling in 500-foot water off the coast of Louisiana. The Feds vetoed that approval forcing BP out into deep water where they didn't have any experience. True BP took some shortcuts. They have a history there. But, the Federal socialist state is equally culpable.
This is a combination of crony capitalism, inept bureaucracy, and an empty suit at the top. Then, throw in the political agenda, and you have the recipe for the failure that we're being served.
Obama and his cronies have a political agenda- to pass the mother of all wealth redistribution schemes- Cap & Tax. The Obama administration is not letting this crisis go to waste. Utterly sickening...
That is an interesting take on this Ron, I hadn't thought about it in those terms before.
Teresa is right, the Obama administration has an agenda and they are going to use this crisis to pass cap and trade. Obama is actually getting what he wants as the oil spills into the Gulf
Spot on Ron, the Gulf crisis has truly become Obamas 9/11 which he will use to change domestic policy as Bush used 9/11 to change foreign policy (or rather implement what had already been changed).
In a way, the hype is because this is obama's turning point with the voters. Every politician who is not looking out for the public has this moment, it might not even be that big of a deal or entirely their fault, but when that moment comes around, whatever they say or do won't make a skerrick of difference.
The resentment against him, his broken promises, his lies and treachery has been building for quite a while now and mother earth will emerge from this as she usually does, he won't.
I heard this on Rush, but the worry is the coast where the oil ultimately ends up. This too will pass, but no thanks to Barry's efforts.
Right Truth
Great point Ron! I remember a few years back explaining to a friend that the whole idea of a small amount of oil ruining large amounts of water is nonsense. If that where true, no city with automobiles (because many leak oil) would have safe drinking water.
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