Zero Hour +1 News helicopters out of the Baltimore area flying over Washington report seeing massive damage in the Washington D.C. areas with hundreds of fires raging in areas up to one mile from what is believed to be ground zero. Some reported seeing a huge crater perhaps 100-200 yards wide in an area some quarter mile NE of the spot where the Washington Monument formally stood, only the base of that structure remains. There are also unconfirmed reports that parts of the capital dome are missing and that flames are coming from the gaping holes in that structure. Parts of the White House have been completely destroyed while other parts are in flames at this hour with no efforts being made to extinguish them.
Zero Hour +5 Breaking news from AP: The Associated Press in now reporting that president Barack Hussein Obama was killed in the attack on the nations capital earlier today, but gave no details. It is also reporting that Vice President Joe Biden who was at the White House at that hour was also killed in the blast. And this report is just coming in: many members of Congress have perished in the attack among the many being mentioned at this time are notably Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the house, and Senator Robert Byrd, President pro tempore of the Senate. Rueters is now reporting the Secertary of State Hillary Clinton in being sworn in as the 45th president of the United States on a air force plane somewhere over the Atlantic as she flies back back from Brussels where she was attending a NATO meeting. Her destination is a closely guarded secret at this time.
Zero Hour +10 Al Jazeera television is reporting that Al qaeda is claiming responsibility for the attack on Washington and that terrorist group is claiming to have planted additional nuclear devices in other U.S. cities. Along with this claim Al qaeda has issued a list of demands to stop any future attacks. Among the many demands are the following: 1) immediate moves to began a full U.S. withdrawal of military forces from all Muslim countries throughout the world 2) immediate cease fire by all U.S. military forces in Iraq and Afghanistan 3) recognition of Al qaeda as a legitimate organization operating to restore world peace 4) reparations in the amount of One Trillion dollars to be paid to Al qaeda for damages to that organization an other Arab states 5) additional demands to come in near future. Al Jazeera is also reporting that Al qaeda is giving the United States government 72 hour to announce compliance with these demands or a second device will be detonated somewhere in the US.
Zero Hour +20 PANIC has gripped Americans as millions flee the cities for the perceived safety of the countryside............. Barack woke in a cold sweat quickly realizing it was just a dream and at that same moment less that a mile from the White House a Green Van pulled into a small parking lot and a clean cut dark-skinned young man exited locking the door behind him then turned and walked to a waiting car. Barack turned over and went back to sleep the dream was over, but the real nightmare was only beginning.
That is a magnificent piece of work!! Your right, the nightmare is just beginning. This health care bill is unconstitutional and is being pushed through by a bunch of tyrannical thugs.
Don't tease me like that... I saw the 1st paragraph and was up dancing!
Outstanding sir. Had he survived, he would have bowed and apologized for getting in the way of the shortwave.
Michelle would have survived. How? I have one word...boob belt. Well, that's two words, but you get the idea.
Great work Ron. I'm submitting this to the Watcher of Weasels Council non-member articles this week.
Right Truth
Thanks Teresa and Debbie, I had to dig deep for this one. I changed the original ending several times before arriving at this one.
Look who else has you linked, besides me..
I'm reading this on the show tomorrow. It will be posted by 1pm west coast time. http://thejimmyzshow.com Nice work.
...Ron I've been away from my computer and the news for a few days, and your article gave me a real fright. You in the USA have a big task ahead in 2010 to keep the anti-Obama momentum going. Even our pro-Obama media here is reporting his plunging polling. My conclusion is that the blogosphere is growing in authority, reach and influence.
To you, your family and your readers, this Kiwi sends his wishes for a restful Christmas, and a New Year that brings more liberty to more people.
Kia kaha.
Sadly I do not put this nightmare beyond the realms of possibilty; they might not be able to launch massed attacks but I would not put a single one beyond them.
As the IRA used to taunt the British Government, "You have to be lucky every time, we only have to be lucky once in a while".
This stands toe to toe with Orson Welles' "War of the Worlds"...
Very good read, Ron! Well done, and I am afraid you are right, the nightmare is just beginning.
Great post Ron. It looks like we finaly have someone to fill Louie Lamore's shoes.
This gave me goose pimples all over my epidermis.
The Right Look
Well this came out REAL good on the first hour of the show today. I am passing along the link ahead of the show's publication on my website so you can hear this. If you load the program's URL in your player (Windows Media or whatever), after it's fully loaded forward to the 46:00 minute mark and listen from there (you can go back and listen to the entire show later - I hope you will!)
Very impressive. Can I publish this on The RIGHT Movement?
R - Please send me an email. I will add you to the list of blogs I have ready to add to my roll on the right hand side of my site. Glad you enjoyed the bit. thejimmyzshow@gmail.com
************* 2009 *************
IRAN cranks out nuke devices in assorted sizes, distributes them to various bunker-locations; calls in hezbullah, hamas & al queda field reps...
"War is Deceit" Qur'an, Vol 4, Book 52, Number 269
Egyptian Religious Scholar - MB - Sayyid Qutb: "...true peace would prevail in the World just as soon as Islam has conquered it."
Dar al-Haarb - House of War
Snake Hunter, you have it right if a nuke comes our way it will have the blessing of Islam and probably come from Iran via Bush and Obama because neither have done anything.
Merry Christmas Eve Eve Ron.
Right Truth
How can you, in good conscience, tease us like that? I must admit my face hurts from the smile!
You came in 4th place at the Watcher of Weasels, that's a great showing.
Publicity is a good thing.
Right Truth
Ron, Sorry I missed this post previously. I was on the road in Florida and I had a medical situation that kept me off-line a lot.
Cool fiction writing (let's hope it remains fiction).
Washington seems to spend too much time looking at freedom loving Americans and not enough time taking serious actions to both warn off and ward off attacks from Muslim terrorists.
Ozark Guru
I cannot find your email address - please write me again would you? I found something I'd like to pass along to you.
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Kind Regards,
dried goji berries
Sounds like an old Rod Sterling story.
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