Thursday, August 25, 2016

Hooker Hillay: Soliciting for cash on Rodeo Drive and Wall Street

Hillary is looking more and more like a hooker  in search of that easy mark on Wall Street and Rodeo Drive.  What is the old bag from Chappaqua selling---it can't be her physical wares, just ask Bubba so it must be something else. Has the old gal gone back to the days when she and Bill lived in the White House and tried to rent out the Lincoln Room to wealthy johns or is it something far more obvious.  Yes it is!  These so-called johns are in reality Hillary's pimps who are just using her to make more money for themselves.  It may turn out that poor Hillary is just a victim of some lecherous pimp out to get more blow to suck up his ole snout!      

1 comment:

Kid said...

Satan's butthole. Is there anything more evil in politics than the clintons - Maybe LBJ he actually had a president killed.