Friday, February 5, 2010

The Noble Savage and the Evil White Man

Ever seen those old movies from the 1940's-60's. Remember those flicks, when the Indians were the bad guys and the early settlers were often the victims. Yep those were the good old days. But by the late 1960's things were changing and a new victim was taking stage center---the noble red man, the native American. Suddenly he was the great noble warrior, the one who was as one with nature. He was the NOBLE SAVAGE. And the white man, suddenly he was seen as the interloper, the stranger in the land, the EVIL ONE. Yes Hollywood and the American left turned the world upside down and began a great re-indoctrination of the American public. Movies such as "Dances With Wolves" and the recent "Avatar" depicted the Noble Savage, that one who is at peace with the environment and has a virtual love affair with the animals around him. Animals he killed and feed upon, just as that evil white man did in those distant times.

Welcome to the world of revisionist history. The picture that is now being painted by Hollywood and new text books is nothing more than a big lie. A lie intended to make the White Man the great villain and the cause of the worlds problems. Did the white man commit acts of unjustified violence against the native Americas? Was he occasionally a butcher? You bet he was! But was the native American an innocent victim who went through the forest blessing everything around him, the plants and animals---far from it. It was the native America who cut open the bellies of pregnant woman victims ripping the unborn from the womb and cutting off the heads of male victims and piling them before the great sun chief as was done during the massacre at Fort Rosalie near Natchez, Mississippi. Slavery, the American Indian practiced this long before the white man came to the shores of the new world. Defeated enemies were often turned into slaves especially women and young children and those captured enemies who could not be trusted were killed, often in torturous ways.

Hollywood and liberals please spare me and stop talking about the poor noble savage---there was nothing noble about him and equally nothing noble about the white soldiers who stormed in Indian villages killing women and children. Both were wrong by today's standards, but both were locked in a combat for control of the new world. The conflict was long and bloody and the white man won---nothing will change that fact, no movies, no wringing of hands, and certainly no liberal lies. Massacre at Fort Rosalie


cmblake6 said...

I see the truth in your words here. And you'll not hear complaint from me about them. I am blood of both, and I see the wrong of both.

Ron Russell said...

Like you I have Indian blood also. My great grandmother on my father's side was a full blood Chotaw.

Right Truth said...

The way our military is being portrayed by our own government and politicians is disgusting. They want to try and prosecute our military while sympathizing with the enemy.

Right Truth

hbl said...

A lot of the revisionist nonsense was perpetrated by Ward Churchill at U. of Colorado. Those are old scores that are beyond being settled today. Now, we live together with scarcely a mention of the old days.

Teresa said...

I am not of Indian blood, but both my niece and nephew are part Cherokee Indian. Both the Indian savages and the men that killed women and children were wrong. I can't stand the Left's revisionist history.

Matt said...

Western Culture is to be attacked. Revisionist history is one tool in the arsenal. Sadly, too many fall for the fiction, and throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Bill Smith said...

You made a key point: "Both were wrong by today's standards." Revisionist make actions, events, speech, and things wrong today which were normal and acceptable in other eras.

Does anyone today believe the largest slaughter in America's history was right? I am talking about the largest losses in war in American's history -- The Civil War. Should revisionist have the right and audacity to change the facts and distort the issues, events, and reasons of that era which precipitated brothers to meet brothers in conflict on the field of battle in the 1860's? No!

By not leaving history set within the reality of the culture of the times in which they occurred, history revisionists are not only dishonest or deceptive, but also evidently stupid.

They may think they are more enlightened today; but I would argue that they justify their revisions while rationalizing their beastly acts of today -- which are best discussed another time.

Anonymous said...

Both sides committed terrible, unjustifiable acts, but you are correct about the way that Hollywood portrays the past. Our children are being taught that white man came over hear and stole the land from its rightful, peaceful owners. Anybody who has read anything about history knows that the Indians were not innocent bystanders, they committed come of the most disgusting crimes imaginable. True, the white man did also, but they were not alone as it is portrayed today.

MathewK said...

"Slavery, the American Indian practiced this long before the white man came to the shores of the new world."

So did the muslims from the middle east far larger and worse than any white man, in their case though, they still do to a small extent.

One of the things that the modern day left are either too stupid or lazy to acknowledge is that the white man also civilized parts of the world and brought a whole host of benefits to them, things they wouldn't have otherwise.

In my view it is stupid and dishonest to judge those in the old days through the prism of todays modernity and morals. They simply did not have the same beliefs, norms or values that we hold for ourselves today, which is not to say we are better people than them.

Always On Watch said...

You're right about the change in Hollywood, the shift to "the noble savage."

Of course, the myth of the noble savage began much earlier, in the works of James Fennimore Cooper, for instance. Right now, in the American literature class I'm teaching, we've been studying Cooper and debunking the myth. I have to say that some of the parents don't much like my debunking the myth as they've been forever steeped in the falsehood.

Always On Watch said...

Charles Dickens wrote a scathing essay on the topic. Dickens, quite famed as a humanitarian, certainly wasn't taken with the the idea that the savage is noble.

I rather imagine that his essay isn't frequently presented in schools today.

Ron Russell said...

I remember Cooper and a few others on the Noble Savage thing. Also done in Moby Dick with Queequeg to a lesser extent. Now however Hollywood has opened the flood gates on this and almost all films depict the American Indian as a sort of human god come to earth.

Clint said...

Great Post, Ron!

Your absolutely right! Revisionists have taken over our media, and more importantly, our kids' history books. I fear that history is being told in a way that vilifies American heros.
I hate to say it, but this is racism, pure and simple. God forbid we highlight the injustices done by native americans to white settlers.

christian soldier said...

Thank you for this--the facts are always valuable when I must counter 'untruths' during a discussion... ...and it looks like I may have to ---sometime soon w/ a new friend...