Monday, October 30, 2017

How I learned to stop worrying and love google's Hamburger Imoji

The internet went wild this weekend following the release of google's Hamburger Emoji.  Apparently some basement dweller noticed the cheese was melted over the bottom of the burger pattie instead of it's usual place on top.  Seems I've heard this tale somewhere else before.  Perhaps those who have read Swift's Gulliver Travels may recall the epic struggle between the Lilliputians and the Biefuscdians.  A struggle centered on that all vital issue of which end to break an egg on (the little or big).  In short the war between the 'Big-Endians' and the 'Little-Endians'!
Jonathan Swift delivered a message in his satirical tale---the ongoing struggle between the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Kingdom of France.  However, what is the message we must discern from the raging twitter conflict generated by the google imoji.  Have we become the land of the Lilliputians.  A land of small people with small minds!!!
Ron Russell     

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