by Ron Russell
While commenting on an article by James on Right On concerning the Constitution and gun rights I began to think about all the rights I have seen slip away over the years. The following is the comment I left on "Right On":
The constitution is clear on gun ownership rights, but slowly over many years the state and federal governments have steadily and methodically chipped away at those rights as they have with other basic rights that we once had. Rights that the young don't even miss because they never experienced them. Sometime I see our rights, our freedoms, and our liberty's slipping away like sands in the hour glass. Once that freedom, that right is gone it does NOT return. It's gone forever and all the complaining and the moaning will never get it back. As the sands of the hour glass get lower and lower one can more easily see the change--the movement seems quicker although the rate remains the same. It's just that the remaining freedoms and rights are fewer and the loss of even one is sorely missed and more become aware of the approaching emptiness. If we are not careful this emptiness will be filled by something that is totally alien to our American way of life, something that will repress individuality, something that will stifle our remaining values, and something that will crush our children's future.
I say Mr. because I'm not sure you meet the qualifications to be president, since you have failed to produce conclusive proof to show you are a natural born U.S. citizen. That is strange, in that you feel justified in releasing classified papers which will in all likelihood endanger our troops---are your personal documents super top secret! You've released some of the most sensitive papers and photos of the CIA's activities to placate the left of your party which hates the military and has spit on returning troops coming home from past conflicts.
Mr. Obama, I not sure if you arrived here one step ahead of a Kenyan lion or on a surf board from Hawaii. I do know one thing however, you brought with you an alien ideology and are attempted to impose it on our American system. Yes, most Americans voted for you and for change, but not the draconian measures you and those on the left are putting forth. Barack, your idea of a socialist Utopia is not shared by the majority in this land. Americans are individualist and not collectivist.
You sir, do not understand history. Your ideals, your philosophy is old and discredited. One that has failed at every turn. I actually feel sorry for you. What you learned from your Marxist mother and the reverend Wright is a belief in a system that stifles individualism. You are a real danger to the America of Jefferson and Washington. The ideas you put forth are not even worthy of some third world despot.
Barack, you are attempting to remake America into a model that fits you twisted concept of what America should be. You are attempting to foment class warfare at every turn. This is a traditional Marxist tactic. Sir, this isn't Russia in the early 1900's where the class divisions were profound. We have a vast middle class and they will not be dragged down to the worker class of a socialist state. A state in which only the bureaucrats enjoy the good life.
Your attempts to build a Utopian society will fail. What you can not comprehend is that your dream for America is one based on alien ideologies. Ideologies that millions fled from and found safe haven under Lady Liberty's torch. Try, as you surely will, to snuff out the flame of liberty and the spirit of individualism you will fail. Your presidency is already doomed, sadly in your quest for Utopia you cannot see this.
Run-a-way inflation will be the catalyst, the
spark, that ignites the great fire that will
sweep across the nation. Attempts will be made
to control it. The now, all powerful central
government, will mandate draconian
measures including wage and price controls.
These and other measures will prove
impudent in face of the onrushing events.
Incidents of discontent will at first be sporadic
but will continue with an almost geometric
growth in there numbers and intensity. Local
authorities will quickly find themselves unable
to maintain order and will call on the state
officials for help. The National Guard will be
sent into those areas most affected by the
ever increasing violence. The large urban
areas will bear the brunt of these quickly
escalating events. The Guard will soon
find itself powerless to control things.
The disturbances will be too numerous and
wide-spread. In desperation, the
President will order regular army units into
the most seriously affected regions. These
measures will meet with success in those
places where large numbers of troops can be
concentrated, however by this time the
violence has spread to the suburbs
and to some rural areas. The situation is
now, OUT-OF-CONTROL! The military leaders
will be the first to recognize this and will take
action against those in power, who they
now hold responsible for the cascading
violence now sweeping the nation.
The revolution is over and a military coup has
installed a new civilian government.
Unchecked this could be Obama's road to
Not quite the end of the story. While in the store next to the George Washington University the agent's, being the trained men they are, took note on all the going on around them. During their trips up and down the aisles they heard the word "hoes" twice as many times as the number of melons in their baskets. And the word "mother-fuc...kers" was over heard twice as much as "hoes". Finally, the word "dude" was used an astounding number of times twice as much as "MF's". When they got back to the White House they were amazed at the numbers. Counting all the grocery items and the times "hoes, MF's, and Dude" were used the number was 2479.
My question is this: how many items of each was purchased and how many times were the three words used---yes there is an answer. The bigger question is this. How in the hell can anyone keep up with the spending in a trillion $1,000,000,000,000 dollar stimulus bill laden with more pork than Barack's and Michelle's grocery list. If this sounds confusing, then don't even tackle the U.S. House Medical Care bill---you'll really be lost and confused.
Footnote: Being an old Mississippi boy I love all the above food items, but a "hoe" was something to be used in the field and not layed in the field!
Always remember that under a totalitarian government the individual is nothing and the state is everything. And under that system the "end justifies the means". Obama's plan for bigger government involvement in Medical Care is a path that will in the end lead to a single-payer system with the central government in Washington in total control of health services in this country. Politicans and not Doctors will decide the treatment given to Americans and only those with good political connections will be able to get certain special medical procedures. And for those who don't have those connections "Obama's Needle" will be "THE FINAL SOLUTION"!
Recently Sarah Palin wrote on her Twitter page about the Obama plan for seniors. Contained in the House version of the Medical Care Bill was a section devoted to advising seniors on end of life decisions---she referred to those people as a "Death Panel". She didn't tiptoe through the tulips and use politically correct words, but she did get her point across and despite the harsh criticism by many on the left and right, and the denials of the Democrats that no such panels would exist the provision creating these panels was removed from the bill. A question: "How do you remove something that wasn't there to begin with?" Chalk one up for SARAH PALIN, the Enchantress!
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