Suddenly one day the natives woke, woke from their trance and saw this stranger not as god, but as an intruder. An intruder, who would change their world, their very lives and their anger was great and uncontrolled as they tried to drive the stranger from their land.
Obama is like this stranger in the land, a land he doesn't know, a land he doesn't understand, a land he doesn't love. The natives are slowly learning that this "god" is a mere man, not a man like them, but one who would change their world to his liking. And now they are preparing to drive him from their mist.
Barack Hussein Obama doesn't know America because he is NOT an American, born OR raised...
I put a link up to an article a while back, I'll see if I can find it. The author believes that Obama's sympathies lie with Muslims. He's not saying Obama is a Muslim, but that rather than his efforts being toward this country, they are toward Muslim/Arab countries. I've always thought that, but to hear it from others confirms my beliefs.
Right Truth
Obama hates America and American values. This is being revealed with each passing day. The natives are seeing this and waking up. I just people hadn't been blind or ignorant during the campaign. Obama is threatening our country from within and we must stop him.
We have far greater weapons than the Indians possessed... The internet is mightier than the tomahawk or the bow & arrow... (although I see Obama scalped on here daily)
The foolish and enslaved that look upon this dirtbag as a god may never wake up, but the rest of us are ready to "Kick Ass & Take Names"... We will prevail and this country will be returned to "We the People"...
Lock & Load!!!
Sons & Daughters of Liberty Unite!!!
Poor Christopher Columbus ... to be associated with such trash ... when Columbus was so much better.
But, yeah, I get your point ... but I tend to think of it as zombies waking up from the dead and starting to breathe again ... and what they breathe in through their nose stinks like sh^t.
Those of us who love the USA and its ideals, but don't live there have great trust and faith in its enduring wisdom and strength. In time, and not too far away, I see the USA leading the world again, and vindication of it's international anti-terror policies under GWB.
Hang in there Yanks !
As we say here; Kia Kaha !
All will become plain once we recognize O for what he is: A foot soldier for the Progressive wing of the Democratic party. These people are not made of the same stuff as the Jeffersonian Democrats. Rather, he, along with Clinton, are following the trumpet call sounded by Croly, Roosevelt, Wilson, et al. And, their agenda is being advanced not by a pell mell rush of the hordes, but rather by stealth and patience. (Well, the cap and trade, and the healthcare reform may prove to have been too hasty.) So, it is incumbent on all of us to join ranks in support of remaining sane elements in the Congress less we all wake up one morning to find ourselves enslaved by a new alien master.
And, a tip o' the hat to our Kiwi friend.
Until I got to the word 'Obama', I thought that this post was about the movie Avatar which is getting a lot of stick for being 'racist' in the manner of your opening paragraphs. Apparantly blue people should be shown as being capable of sorting out their own problems with no need for intervention by whitey.
THAT was a great analogy! A little disconcerting though. Hopeful we can kick this 'stranger' out of OUR HOUSE and get back to the business of America!
You really got me on this one. I didn;t see where you were going. But, I like where I ended up.
Nice work. I like you story telling approach.
Simple lesson for the libtards.
Truth Hurts!
Hate to say "I told ya so!"
No I don't! It feels damn good!
The Right Look
Great analogy-and I enjoyed reading your other posts as well...
came here via MK's site....
I especially want to thank Ayrdale for the comment above...
We in the US have finally awakened -the slow slide to fascist- socialism has turned into an avalanche and can not longer be ignored...
"...because of the wondrous things he brought with him and the great healing powers he possessed."
Well yes, the white man did bring a lot of good stuff with him, civilized much of the world, the flushing toilet etc.
But what the heck did obama bring, that fool didn't bring a damn thing that westerners didn't have. And who the heck did he heal?
The truth is that liberals are dumber than even the savages of centuries ago, obama didn't bring shit with him and their dumb ass still fell for him. If it weren't so dangerous and didn't affect all of us, we could have a good long laugh at the fools.
Well put, Ron.
Americans might as well have elected a foreigner to the Oval Office.
I don't think the man is an AntiChrist or some such; nor do I believe he is unintelligent. He does bring, however, an agenda that is borne of his education, his associations and his lack of exposure into the world of real work, creation, business and sacrifice. He has no military background whatsoever, no motivation to understand same; no relationship to business save to brand it heinous; no real achievement save that which was essentially handed to him as he was groomed and smoothed to transition from "community organizer" to "inside agendist."
I firmly believe Mr Obama does possess all the necessary power to completely save this nation from catastrophe; I also firmly believe Mr Obama will purposely choose to do the exact opposite.
Where are the jobs? Where are the tangible results of stimulus and TARP? Where is any sort of accountability? Where is the transparency promised on every level?
I can only go by results, tangible results. I don't see much visible difference between my life today, having spent billions and billions and billions of dollars of federal dollars, and my life as it likely would have been had we let various individuals, businesses and agencies simply fail. I see no penalties. I see no consequences to bad decisions -- except those fiscal consequences which are looming precisely BECAUSE we are spending money, geometrically, that we simply do not possess.
In my opinion, everything else is almost secondary. The spending has to stop. HAS to. And then, budgets must be scaled back.
Otherwise: I just have no words for the results we'll be facing.
BZ, you are right on most your points, but I would go a step further, Obama has a plan for America, he has a plan to remake this country and change it forever from the country of our fathers. His is an alien agenda, an agenda not of the working man, but of a political elite who know whats best for all. He sees himself not as a man of the people, but a man above the people and its this more than anything else that makes him dangerous to our way of life.
You know, I read your words and I realize you're correct, but it still escapes me how persons can be so brain-glazingly blind to the dangers we face now. I shouldn't, but I have a difficult time wrapping my wheelhouse around that concept.
You are right BZ, it is difficult to believe that one would so want to change this country, but then he told us that in his campaign, but most failed to understand the change he was calling for---not just a coarse correction, but a 180 degree change. Fundamental change, a change toward a new order. BZ, we now have a committed socialist at the helm and not one of the European varity, but one of the old communist and fascist type. What this Haitian crisis, those in the White House view all such events as opportunities and will use this tragedy for political advantage.
We simply need to stop him before he goes any farther. If the birthers are right, this is nulled and voided. We can fix it faster that way. If we get Congress back this year, it may be slower but it can still be done. If the unthinkable should be forced, we're ready.
As for Teddy Roosevelt? You mean the guy who started this whole universal hellcare bit for the US?The first Marxist POTUS?
Like the old strangers in the land, the new stranger is introducing a sickness that if it spreads will destroy countless lives, and leave society in ruin.
Going to add your link now. Take care.
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