MSM = Mostly Stinking Media
Watching O'Riley tonight and Bernie Goldberg made a great point about calling the MSM (Main Stream Media)---he is right, nothing main stream about them and we should stop calling these guys that. Because in doing so we elevate their position. So lets change that name. Any suggestions? Please check out Bernie's post on this Bernie on MSM
You got that right. The media stinks to high heaven. The biggest bunch of boobs that cover up for the President no matter what. I guess to them ignorance is bliss. Journailsm is dead in America.
You got that right Teresa. When its revealed he was once a pimp on Chicago's south side and had 13 year old ho's working for him they will sweep that under the carpet too, ha!
MSM...I hate them too much to give them any name!
Thats great Z. NNM = No Name Media, ha!
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