Saturday, January 16, 2010

"No Barry", You Naughty Boy!

A short year ago, Obama was "King of the World" and this liberal leader was at the helm of a great progressive movement that many pundits said would last for decades and those in the MSM proclaimed the death of conservatism. Things have changed and today a virtually little known state senator in the deep blue state of Massachusetts is threatening to take the seat formerly held by Teddy Kennedy.

Progressives will look for many reasons for this failure, but none will admit a simple truth, no its not his style, its not his coolness, it none of these personal attributes---its his radicalism! He is way to far to the left of the American voter.

Obama has over-reached with his attempts to pass universal health care and "cap and trade". Two things that effect every person in this country. And most do NOT like his proposed changes and see the dangers of government controls in these areas.

Health care has been the killer, and this more than any other single factor has caused his once soaring poll numbers to go south. Its seems however that he is unable or unwilling to back away from this toxic issue and it is his undoing. In the beginning Obama's popularity helped him in the great debate, but as time progressed and America became more and more familiar with the details his continued effort to push it only caused his numbers to go lower and lower.

One thing you can say about Obama is that he did come to Washington to do something. He came to introduce a new collective form of government to a nation that is historically individualistic. He over-reached and just like the little kid in the candy store whose parent must restrain him, the American people have finally said, " No Barry"!


hbl said...

Heh. It beginning to look like O failed to "discern the current historical will of the people" as the new poli-sci types would put it.

Right Truth said...

Things are looking good for the CONSERVATIVE Republicans. Hopefully RINOs will be passed over in upcoming elections.

Obama had an agenda and is still pushing forward, no matter what the polls.

Pelosi too.

Right Truth

Teresa said...

Obama is a far leftist radical that has been far overreaching since the early days of his presidency. He has brought conservatives back together uniting against the overreaching radical agenda of Obama , much like Carter did. Now, Massachusetts is on its way its way to electing a Republican because of how out of touch Democrats are with the American people's views.

Snarky Basterd said...

He's shot his wad, that's for sure. But it's not just him; that little gaggle of criminals in Congress who are complicit with him are just as out of touch as Zero is. They will all pay ... with their jobs.

The Right Look said...

We all saw what happened when the light skinned POTUS went to New Jersey and Virginia and spoke in such eloquent tones without a trace of the Negro dialect!

His candidates got SMOKED!

I see Taxachusetts waking up from a very long Kennedy induced version of Camelot libtard-ness!

Can you smell it? That's the smell of libtards getting SMOKED!

The Right Look

Bloviating Zeppelin said...

Mr Obama and his minions have apparently mis-read the so-called "mandate" he received this past November and is taking it to mean he possesses carte blanche to enact any change or societal mass he wishes. On the other hand, he has been a great disappointment to the Radical Leftists and Socialists who scream he has been INsufficiently left for The Left. One but has to examine his past, his education, his philosophies to determine his true path. He is learning, OJT, that things are not quite so simple as he once envisioned.


cmblake6 said...

So far, everyone has already said what I was going to. This program of his may work in a nation whose entire populace equals but one of our larger cities.

That is NOT America. We left that group a couple of hundred years ago, and it's in the genetics of AMERICANS to be those individuals that solve stuff on their own.

Somebody set the toaster to "10", and that burnt toast aroma is bad to the nostrils of America.

cmblake6 said...

Oh, and even if Scott Brown is somehow beaten (and if he is you can guarantee foul play in the arena), it will hopefully still send the message that he got as close as he did.

Franken SHOULD have (and actually may have) been the wake up call America needed. We shall see.

hbl said...

Smoked leftard...with a side of sauteed onions and a dab of mustard. mmm....

Anonymous said...

I actually find it interesting that Obama did move so quickly. That is the first leadership rule you learn as a leader. Don't make too many changes too quickly. People don't respond well to change done quickly. I guess Obama missed that class?

Ron Russell said...

Dominique, he just can't help himself, its inbred in progressives. They rush toward the blaze until it consumes them---nature of the beast.

Dolley said...

There is a children's book out called, "No, David". It is adorable, but unfortunately, "No, Barry!" is not. I love the line Dick Morris said a few weeks ago to the effect that Americans are seeing a liberal Democrat govern for the first time since Johnson and they are recoiling in shock and horror.

Fuzzy Slippers said...

Let me be clear: Barry, get your hands off that Constitution!

LOL, great post!

Matt said...

He did a lot of things to isolate himself. He had Pelosi and Reid take the heat on heath care. They bungled it, hid things from the people, and made dirty deals that became public. He had minions do the dirty work, like the MIAC and DHS reports. They bungeled too. He appointed a wide range of Marxists, and tried to distance himself from them. He tried to play it off, and the MSM tried to help him do just that. But, in the end, it failed. This crap is sticking to him, and he can't shake it.

The Dems have a problem. It's not enough just to have the MSM refuse to cover things. There are too many other ways to get information nowadays. He's going down in flames, as is his allies and useful idiots.

John Carey said...

Great post! He has indeed overreached, but he will never see it. The reason he cannot come to terms with this is because he has been institutionalized with radical ideology. He truly believes the lie and knows no other way.

Anonymous said...

Obama has a vision of America that is far different from most Americans vision of America. He was able to hide this vision before the election, all the signs were there but people did not want to read them. But now that he is president and he pushes a far left agenda, people realize that he is a radical. He is no longer hiding and he is not going to back down from his agenda because this is who he is and what he believes.

The fact that the Massachusetts election is this close is proof that the people are fed up with him. Conservatives should make big gains in November.

Anonymous said...

Win or lose this health care battle it has been a blessing. His popularity has been so hurt, that he stands little chance or getting amnesty passed.

Amusing Bunni said...

The American People should lock up greedy little barry up in his room for the next 3 years!
I'm looking forward to Tuesday. Obummer will see yet another failure.

TexasFred said...

Tuesday will be a bellwether for the direction of the GOP and Conservatism...

All of you remember, NO MORE RINOs... EVER!

hbl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hbl said...

I think it would help us to understand where O is coming from--expanding the scope of the Federal government--by keeping in mind the Progressive's view of the Constitution; that, while the written Constitution was appropriate for the times in which it was drafted, they now consider it a museum piece of no importance for today because historical circumstances have changed and a fixed interpretation of the founding documents cannot possibly be an appropriate basis for governing.

Therefore, they feel what they are doing is perfectly natural. O does not feel constrained by the Constitution's limits on Federal government. Neither does Pelosi when she uttered the famous "Are you kidding? Are you kidding?" when asked about the Constitutional basis for the healthcare bill. And, that explains their lack of reticence about expanding the role of the Federal government.

I believe the thought never crossed their collective, Progressive mind that the people would have a different opinion. So, the results of the upcoming elections will be a shock to them.

MathewK said...

I wish this fellow had just helped himself to too much candy, nah, he more of a thief in the night, stealing everything and the childrens candy.

Ron Russell said...

hbl, those in the progressive movement have never seen the Constitution as a binding document. They often see it as an obstruction that must be over come by liberal judges with a mind of legislating from the bench. They have no respect for the 2nd and the 10th and would if they could repeal those two things in the Bill of Rights.

Ron Russell said...

Yes, Fred tuesday will be a bellwelther for the democrats, but I suspect their bell has already been rung by the closeness of this election!

banned said...

In a blow for 'progressives' two UK bastions of socialism are falling out with each other as the BBC reacts to the publics frustration at it peddling the Met Offices lies about AGW.
Looks like the Beeb might be about to sack them as their source for weather reports which could be terminally embarrassing for the warmists over here.

Ron, you asked a question @newport city blog about the MP in his underpants; that was the pic he posted of himself on a gay contact website.
Fair play to him though, continuing to stay in the public eye despite that pic constantly resurfacing.