Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Hillary Clinton to bring thousands of unvetted Syrian Migrants to America

Under the Obama thousands of unvetted Syrian Migrants are flooding into America.  And should Hillary become president the numbers will dramatically increase---she has promised that.  Democrat leaders are aware that most Americans don't want these potential new terrorist living near so they guard the locations of these newcomers, even keeping their presence secret from local authorities so as not to alarm the general populace.  I fully realize that we are a nation of immigrants.  But when those wanting to come to this nation are from a part of the world ripe with Islamic Terrorist, terrorist who would chop of the head of a non-believer at the mere drop of a scimitar it's time to put on the brakes and stop this open border madness.  Madness that the current Democratic nominee for president would not only accelerate, but fully embrace as the America way.  We must not, listen to the voices that tell us all immigration is good.  We must not listen to those that scream xenophobia at anyone who disagrees with them on immigration policy!  Those who insist on open borders would welcome anyone, that is anyone just as long as they live across town and not next door.  Quite frankly, it's time to put Americans first.  And if we must look to the welfare of others (but honestly we can't afford it), then we need to set up safe zones in their own countries for them to settle in.  Believe me when I tell you it would be far cheaper than bringing them to America. It is quite obvious to this observer that those political leaders who insist on opening the doors to this nation wide to all comers are not just motivated by humanitarian values, but have a much darker motive.  But then who would ever accuse a wonderful person such as Hillary Rodham Clinton of having anterior motives where their actions are in question.  I know it's difficult to believe, but her only motive in having a personal email server was the save the nation the expense of a public one.  Oh, and by the way, as the old song goes if you believe that, "I've got some ocean front property for sale in Arizona"!       

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