Intolerance on the Left
Every night I see and hear the "Intolerance of the Left". I see the violence in the streets, I see conservative speakers taunted and literally run from the podiums at some of our most prestigious universities. I see the marches in Oakland in support of a cop-killers. Most of these hateful demonstrators seem to be young. To me, its a sad commentary on the youth of this country. They claim to support change and openness, but simply cannot tolerate anyone with an opposing view. They condemn a capitalism system, that has provided them with one of the worlds highest standard of living. The United States economy is the envy of the world and people are literally tearing down fences in order to get here. Yet these misguided souls see only evil and corruption here. They listen to their I-pods and text on their blackberries about how bad things are. They look to socialism with the foolish belief that a system such as that will make their lives better, forgetting that it never has worked well in any country. Western Europe being the best example---higher unemployment, lower economic growth and millions trying to come to the U.S. for a better way of life. Youth is often a time spent in search of something new and different, a search for the exotic to show ones Independence, and a time to toss aside traditional values. Most will in time outgrow these adolescent tendencies, some however will be in that rut for their entire lives and that is sad. We can to some degree, excuse the ideologies embraced by some of the youth of this country, we cannot excuse or condone the rudeness and violence they display toward those who disagree. This cannot be allowed to continue---to do so,would in the end, mean the destruction of our democratic system. A free and open exchange of ideas is a necessary part of our system. As for those mature adults, that participate in these disruptions of our freedom of speech, I have little use for them. Theirs are the tactics of hate and a new form of fascism not seen since the days of Nazi Germany.
Theirs are the tactics of hate and a new form of fascism not seen since the days of Nazi accurate Ron and so frightening!
Every word you say is true. People should be careful who they vote for, because look what they god. Now all of us suffer for that choice.
Right now we have a battle going on in the Republican party. Inside bickering and disagreements. That may be a very good thing though. Hopefully the fighting will weed out some of the bad apples so we can get back on the right path again.
Right Truth
That rut you refer to is more like a gorge or large ravine, big enough to swalllow the likes of Obama, Pelosi, Reid and the vast majority of congress...
There is no room for debate, but an absolute intollerance for anything that doesn't fall into lock step with their ideology...
Well the Left Wing Nut Jobs are going to be in for a very rude awakening this November...
Isn't it amazingly bad for all of us that the left, which tries so hard to be 'right, political correct, diversified, multicultural, progressive' and all those other things, that they are the ones who are the intolerant ones who brook no discussions or discourse. They are the ones wrecking our country and still blaming Bush. Let's go back to LBJ and the great society or FDR and what he did. Jimmy Carter, the biggest dhimmi for POTUS we ever had except for NOW. Now we have Obama and his ilk stripping away our rights and circumventing our Constitution at every turn. Too many of therm have not outgrown the retatrdedness of the far left and socialism. The links and similarities to Nazi Germany cannot be ignored. They are crystal clear to all of us who care about this country and the foundation that it was built upon by our Founding Fathers. In my book add the word traitor behind their names.
Theirs are the tactics of hate and a new form of fascism not seen since the days of Nazi Germany
One of the things the Nazis did to the Jews, was to dehumanize them however and whenever they could.
There is a vile strain of so-called liberalism that likes to depict conservatives as "Neanderthals" or "sub human".
I'm sure it is their fondest hope that they could begin their "final solution" for the conservatives that stand in their way.
The tolerance of the left is exhibited about as much as the Religion of Peace exhibits their peaceful ways...
The let is tolerant of dope, abortion, anti-America anything, homosexuals, welfare, ILLEGAL invaders and granting amnesty...
I rest MY case...
This post is a thing of beauty, Ron! You've nailed it. All of it. Now how do we fix it? They've all been brain-washed by years (decades) of anti-American sentiment taught them right here in America, by Americans. It breaks my heart.
I have to say I watched a good bit of CPAC on the innerwebz during work last week and was very heartened to see a good deal of young people, high school and college kids, in the audience. There is hope, my friend. After all, they can't all be stupid.
Very well said Ron. It always amazes me that the people who preach tolerance can be the mosr intolerant people when it comes to listening to people who disagree with them.
When you say "they have forgotten that socialism has never worked," I would argue that they never knew it in the first place because they have never been taught that it doesn't work.
Ditto all previous comments.
What a great group of right minded thinkers!
Ron, the only reason these people believe life will be better for them under a socialist society, is they believe they will be at the top of the pecking order, and never be demoted.
You said:
Western Europe being the best example---higher unemployment, lower economic growth and millions trying to come to the U.S. for a better way of life.
They cannot be blind. It has to be about power.
Excellent and thoughtful commentary.
Excellent post Ron.
One of the main problems I see with today's youth is they have no Constitutional foundation. Instead of embracing the liberty loving ideals of our Founding Fathers, they are being taught the revolutionary ideals of Mao and Karl Marx. They are what they are guided to be and we've been asleep way to long. The real problem is embedded in our public schools systems. The sooner we focus on that, the better off the next generation will be.
Personally i'm tired of excusing their ignorance and stupidity. They might grow out of it, but that's not a luxury we can afford to wait on.
When we hear one of these cretins prattling on about socialism, we should invite them to eff off to one of the socialist utopias around the world.
Ron, I agree with you 1000%. The Left are the most intolerant people on the face of this earth. They promote one type of thinking and are against free thought. They fight for the "rights" of terrorists while treating our soldiers like crap. This must stop. Our men and women in the military deserve the utmost respect and to be honored.
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