Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek, current head of the merry-go-round European Union slammed Obama’s economic policy of running up debt like there was no tomorrow. Topolanek is concerned about the liquidity of global markets if the U.S. continues to swallow up every dollar it can find. And can you blame him? It doesn’t take a finance expert to see that only an act of God would produce the conditions that would even suggest the possibility of paying any of this money back, and if it doesn’t continue to stream in…the U.S. collapses like a house of cards.
Unless it was off the record, although there were those in the European Union that questioned Topolanek’s choice of words, nobody actually came out and said he was wrong. That’s because he isn’t wrong. If the United States goes down the toilet, this guy knows we’ll take Europe with us. Ahh, the benefits of a global economy. Then again, a global economy would theoretically be predicated on a level playing field. Cheap labor, currency manipulation, and a cap and trade scheme that will hamstring U.S. companies doesn’t look level to me. But if you’re manufacturing in a quasi-socialist world economy, the U.S. would have to-it, and must bring its standards down to a level while others rise to meet it. Then we could all live happily at the bottom together. And that, is a road to hell…

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