Recently came across this unusual image. At first glance I saw only an old man and an old woman. But on closer examination I began to see many more things in the picture. Got me to thinking about how some people see things and others viewing the same image see something totally different. Today we are seeing the "Tea Parties" throughout this great country. Some see them in one way and the others see something totally different. The difference is astounding and hard to fathom. Many see what those around them see, many see what someone else tells them they are seeing, many see the forest and not the trees, many see the trees and not the forest, and some unfortunately see nothing. Many news outlets choose not to show the "Tea Parties" today and others decided to cover the events. Why? What is the reasoning behind the decisions of both sides---is one side in the pocket of the Democrats and the other favoring the Republicans. What are their motives? Checked out CNN, MSNBC, and FOX today just to see what was being shown. CNN and MSNBC had their usual political discussions on with pundents from the left and right, have to say mostly left. While FOX was showing the crowds of common people at the rallies. Had to ask myself, which was the most important, the crowds on the streets or the pundents in the studio---the answer is obvious and clear. And its becoming obvious and clear to me that many news organizations simply don't want you to see the complete, the full picture. They want you to see what they see, by showing you only what they decide is best. Not what is best for you, but what is best for them, what is best for the values they hold, what is best for their liberal ideology. Look at this picture closely, look closely so you can see what is really in front of you. Don't let others tell you what you see. Look for yourself.
1 comment:
how did this happen to our media? who are the journalists of today? why are they so liberal?are our journalists militant women, acitivist blacks? or are they from other countries infilterating our new's rooms? our country is being taken down by the militant news people and militant professors in our colleges. americans need to wake up and turn off the tv and stop reading the newspapers and send our kids to colleges that don't employ acitvits professors, oh yes, one important thing, parenting needs to teach our children our american history, teach our children pride to be an american. let them hear the national anthem, make them aware of the differences in our country and other countries. again, wake up america!
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