The Advertising Standard Agency ruled on Wednesday following a complaint that a tourism ad containing a picture of the Western Wall with the Dome of the Rock in the background misleadingly implied that east Jerusalem was part of the State of Israel, resulting in false advertising.
“We noted the ad stated, ‘You can travel the entire length of Israel in 6 hours. Imagine what you can experience in 4 days,” and, “Visit... now for more itineraries in Israel,” and considered that readers were likely to understand that the places featured in the itinerary were all within the State of Israel,” the Advertising Standard Agency said in its ruling.
“We understood, however, that the status of the occupied territory of the West Bank was the subject of much international dispute, and because we considered that the ad implied that the part of east Jerusalem featured in the image was part of the State of Israel, we concluded that the ad was likely to mislead,” the ruling continued.
The Israel Government Tourist Office advertisement was held to have breached the Advertising Standard Agency’s guidelines on truthfulness.
The Tourism Ministry wrote in response that “the ad provided basic, accurate information to a prospective UK traveler who wanted to know what to expect in Israel.
It also said that Israel accepted responsibility to support the religious sites of all denominations, a commitment also incorporated in an agreement with the Palestinian Authority signed in 1995. The ministry pointed out that the agreement placed the upkeep of holy sites and the determination of tourist visiting-hours under Israeli jurisdiction.
The ministry also said that the present legal status of Jerusalem had nothing to do with the point at issue. It said this was “only of relevance if there was an attempt to interpret the straightforward message of the ad in a manner that went beyond what consumers were likely to understand from the ad.”
Despite this, the Advertising Standard Agency concluded that the ad was misleading.
“The ad must not appear again in its current form. We told IGTO [the Israel Government Tourist Office] not to imply that places in the occupied territories were part of the State of Israel,” the ruling concluded.
The Board of Deputies of British Jews said that to prohibit a view of east Jerusalem in a tourism ad was “absurd.”
“To proscribe even a view of east Jerusalem is as absurd as it is offensive. Thousands of tourists and pilgrims pass through Israel every year to areas where their very presence helps the Palestinian economy, and like the flawed argument for boycotts, this objection seems to be being advanced by those who care more about gestures and less about the livelihoods of ordinary people in the region,” the Board’s chief executive Jon Benjamin said.
Tourism Minister Stas Meseznikov rejected the Advertising Standard Agency’s decision.
“These statements join the list of repeated attempts by anti-Israel organizations to discredit Israel’s standing using absurd claims. The ministry will continue to promote marketing and advertising campaigns that make use of historic and religious sites in order to increase tourism to Israel. Jerusalem and its many religious and historic sites is Israel’s central tourism anchor that draws millions of tourists of all religions every year, regardless of political views,” he said.
“The Tourism Ministry brands Israel as the Holy Land with Jerusalem at its heart, which beyond being the City of Peace, is the united capital of Israel,” Meseznikov said. “It is obvious to any thinking person that the Western Wall is one of Israel’s inalienable assets and as such it will continue to appear in the ministry’s campaigns. Just as nobody would dare interfere in the discretion of British state authorities on the matter of marketing Britain, the attempt to do so to Israel is illegitimate and nonnegotiable.”
In The Independent newspaper’s story on Wednesday, the reporter attached no significance to the Western Wall, describing only the importance of the Dome of the Rock. read full story at Jerusalem Post
It's official, England is now more gutless than France
England has become a dhimmi state under the perverted
morass of Islam.
The allowance of Shariah
courts and financing on top of
unchecked Muslim immigration is
what got England to the low spot
in the road where it is today.
Good post and I will CP to
Patriot's Corner. Excellent,
Stick a fork in them, Ron. They're done.
Quite frankly, I am far more concerned with our issues here at home... If England, or Europe want to allow themselves to be over-run by Islam, so be it, but was ain't goin' in like it's 1944 and saving their worthless asses again...
It is conserning. Have you read the book "America Alone" by Nark Steyn? It about how Muslims are breeding themselves into the majority, while the native populations of many countrys are not reproducing at a rate that can sustain the country. Pretty scary stuff.
Its easy to say "forget about them." but the UK has nukes. I don't know how many, but it only takes one.
That being said, it appears that the brits have little interest in saving themselves, so what can anyone do?
This is completely in keeping with the elitest Islamic leanings held since Israel's statehood. The problems Israel has today rests squarely on the shoulders of the Brits for not following the mandates.
Is there anyone traveling to Israel for the first time not wanting to visit the Wall?
Maybe Israel will ban their airlines from flying into Britain.
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