Monday, December 21, 2009

Nuke Um

"Nuke em", I often see this while visiting around the blogosphere and my usual first reaction is to recoil at the mere idea of setting loose those terrible WMD's. Being a child of the 1950's and having seen all the old movies such as "Fail Safe", "Doctor Strangelove" and many more coupled with my real nightmares as a child about those looming mushroom clouds the mere idea of a nuclear explosion scares the hell out of me.

Having gotten that out of the way, I've come to face a new reality and that reality is that one day we will be confronted with the cold hard truth of using the nuke or losing the battle. Tactical nukes are at the ready should they be needed. However, when such things are mentioned the American left recoils for they would not shoot so much as a spitball at the enemy and have shown consistently they will not even hurl insults their way. Although they have no problems with calling those of us on the right every name under the sun. It is becoming increasing obvious to me that the only enemy the American left sees are those fellow Americans on the right, and they feel if they can defeat those all other enemies in the world will miraculously vanish in a cloud of cleaning smoke.

War is not a game and the timid have no place on the battlefield or in the command post. To play at war is to lose and before losing I say those frightening words, "nuke um".


Anonymous said...

I am a bit hesitant on this one. I think if we would just unleash the might of our conventional weapons, it would be more than enough. Our BS PC rules of engagement are a joke.

banned said...

Like you I lived through the very real danger of nuclear war, probably more danger than you but less than those in central Europe.
However the Balance Of Terror only worked because the Russians had no more desire to die than we in the West but the difference between that and our current struggles against extremist Islam is that they DO welcome death (supposedly).

For that reason it may well indeed be required to 'nuke'em' at some stage and they would do well to be aware of that.

The Born Again American said...

Nuke, nuke, who's there?

I'm firmly convinced that this will be needed to stop radical Islam... If we could only time it during a visit by Obama, Reid and Pelosi in the region...

Again I'll use the words of Ted Nugent as he confirms his belief in "Enola Gay Rights"...

Anonymous said...

Trestin has a great point, we are too timid to unleash our military in all its might. If we did so we could win any war, but I still say "nuke um" if we have to.

Right Truth said...

Nukes may be needed, but I fear the US has gotten so PC that that will never happen.

Right Truth

Ron Russell said...

BAA, "Elona Gay Rights", I hadn't heard that one yet---I love it! I once heard that the reason Col. Paul Tibbets choose the name "Enola" for his plane's name beside the fact it was his mothers name was that the flight over the Japanese homeland that fateful day would be taken virtually "alone", "Elona" spelled backward. Wonder if there is any truth in that?

The Right Look said...

Like I've said before.

There is an awful lot of sand in the Middle East that we could turn into a very shiny glass surface. Then we could focus some very big mirrors on that shiny surface and feed all of our power needs effortlessly for eternity!

Lights out for radical islam. Lights on for us!

The Right Look

Teresa said...

First, we should unleash the full wrath of our military on the terrorists. But, with all the PC I doubt that will happen, especially since the libs just want revenge against the Bush administration. But, as a last resort, I do think that nukes should be used against our enemy.

Snarky Basterd said...

Since I have no love lost for the left, or mooslems, I could care less. Nuke 'em.

TexasFred said...

Nuke em til they glow, shoot em in the dark...

The Born Again American said...

Ron, if you haven't read Ted Nugent's "Ted White and Blue", you owe it to yourself to do so... A great read and you'll love what he says he would do in his first 100 minutes in office should he become president... People can laugh all they want, but we could do a lot worse than having Ted as president... I'm sure he would enjoy hunting liberals in Washington, the only problem is they would make a nice trophy, but you sure as hell wouldn't want to eat them...

The Born Again American said...

Ron, if you haven't read Ted Nugent's "Ted White and Blue", you owe it to yourself to do so... A great read and you'll love what he says he would do in his first 100 minutes in office should he become president... People can laugh all they want, but we could do a lot worse than having Ted as president... I'm sure he would enjoy hunting liberals in Washington, the only problem is they would make a nice trophy, but you sure as hell wouldn't want to eat them...

PatriotUSA said...

Nuke'em,two words that always
upset our liberal friends.

Damn right and there will
be a time and place. Islam
will force the issue. I do
not see Isael making the
first move and we missed
our first chance after
9/11. So many mussie countries
to choose from. waste them
all and be done with it.
To hell with what the world
says or thinks!