Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Tipping Point

The tipping point is that invisible mark that each must find. And in the end some will sit on the side lines while others join the fight. But once the fight is joined the onrushing events will gather momentum and all will be effected by the great struggle and even the "sunshine patriot" will find no refuge from the storm. We are now approaching that point, that place from which there is no turning back, some will say yes, while others hold back and cringe before the foreboding warnings.
Great changes are in the wind and the forces of change are gathering as the approaching storm looms large on the horizon. Many are seeking the shelter of family and friends with the hope that these changes will pass them by and they can again feel the warmth of yesterdays. While others are rushing to fill the breach torn in the fabric of the nation by those forces who would not only destroy the tomorrow's but the yesterday's. For the fair weather soldier the tipping point will never come, for they will continue to push that point farther and farther down the road. They will stand under that sheltered tree as the battle swirls round them and their muskets will never know the taste of fire and smoke. But wiser men will stand and say, "no more", for they have reached that place from which there is no retreat---The Tipping Point!
by Ron Russell


TexasFred said...

51% of this nation is beyond the *tipping point*...

When the other 49% realize that we are dying at the hand of Obama and his minions, it will be far too late.

We must incite this nation to take up the flag of AMERICAN FREEDOM now, if we wait, it will never happen...

KG said...

Here's one colonial (Aussie) who will take up arms when TSHTF. Old as I may be, I can still shoot straight.And what better way to die, than for liberty?
You have friends and allies--please don't dismiss or forget us.

Ron Russell said...

Events beyond Obama's control may force his hand too soon>

The Born Again American said...

My dear departed mother used to say "not only no, but hell no"... As crazy as this may sound, I'm quite prepaired to lay down my life to defeat this scourge that has taken over our country... Civil disobedience will turn to armed conflict as those who would destroy our country try to quell the the resistance... Americans are waking up and they are pissed off... The great men who founded this nation are rolling over in their graves and their spirit, determination and willpower is being embodied in the foot soldiers of today... It is no longer an option for us to passively sit back and "Hope for Change" as we know all too well that's what got us in this freaking mess...

LOCK and LOAD!!!


Dymphna said...

In so large an enterprise as our economy, there could be a large gap between the tipping point and when things actually start sliding.

Remember the Church of England priest who recommended stealing for necessities if you're very poor? Well, the blogger at Market Ticker had a good take on that, and I riffed on his ideas:

Stealing in a Lawless Time Isn’t Stealing? ...

Please look at the comments for an important link to Michael Ruppert's thoughts on the coming cataclysm.

Also look within the post itself for a link to the 2008-2009 predictions by Market Ticker. He's amazingly close...which is why I'm going to start checking his site beginning on Monday to see what he predicts for 2010.

Thanks for sending us an email re this post. I was tickled, since we like your blog.

Right Truth said...

Do you think Americans have reached that tipping point? I sure hope so.

Right Truth

Bloviating Zeppelin said...
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Bloviating Zeppelin said...

Nietzsche said: "When you look into the abyss, the abyss looks into you."

When, we ask, will we ever learn?

The storm clouds are already here.


cmblake6 said...

Too good brother. Outstanding!

Anonymous said...

Ron - What did you mean by "Events beyond Obama's control may force his hand too soon?"

Ron Russell said...

Dominique, every leader has a plan, a way he wishes things to go, but the unexpected always appears and is often an obstacle to the best laid plans. I suspect Obama has a time table for his ultimate goal, but the unforeseen, the unexpected events often get in the way. The law of "unexpected consequences" always comes into play. In short, I think he will be forced to move before he is ready by those things, those forces that he does not control. You have a very good question and my statement was rather sweeping in nature.

Anonymous said...

Good post Ron! More and more Americans are waking up, they are coming around. I am ready t ofight also, and I think that there are more of us than we realize who understand exactly what this president is trying to do to our country. We will not stand for it!