Friday, December 18, 2009


Not feeling up to speed these past few days. Will not post today or comment. You have an open season so just blast away.

Feeling better tonight and will post tomorrow.


The Right Look said...


Here's to hoping you feel back to snuff real soon man!

Thanks for always checking out my blog!

Take care!

The Right Look

The Born Again American said...

Don't tell the "Dems" you're sick, the "death pannels" will come knocking...

Hope you feel better soon...

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...


Right Truth said...

Feel better soon. I can relate, I was either on the couch yesterday, or hugging the commode, or sitting on it. Not a pretty picture. The grouch was working 24 hours at the hospital healing others, so I was on my own.

Some kind of terrible bug, but I feel almost normal today.

Hopefully you will be normal (well as normal as any of us get) soon.

Right Truth

Matt said...

Hope you feel better.

So, to cheer everyone up, a joke.

"A man walked into a hurt!"

Ron Russell said...

Thanks for the get Well's and the advice. Finally found enough energy to draft tomorrows post and just maybe I can visit some of my buddies sites later today.

Anonymous said...

Get Well TOTUS!

Right Truth said...

Rest up tonight and the weekend. Maybe you will be strong by Monday.

I feel much better, mine must have only been a 24 hour bug.

I had the flu shot and H1N1, so..

Right Truth

Samuel Gonzalez said...


Feel better soon, buddy. Don't let The One, get to you.

TexasFred said...


Get well soon, and SCREW OBAMA! And every Dem/Lib/RINO in America!

How's that??

banned said...

Get well soon Ron, at least it probably isn't Swine Flu, unless voluntarilly injected; our Chief Medical Officer now tells us that it isn't nearly as scary as he predicted.

LD Jackson said...

Hope you get to feeling better, Ron. Sorry to hear that you are sick.

Ron Russell said...

I like those blast, may have an open season again soon.

Teresa said...

Hope you feel better soon!!