Six months after the passage of Cap and Trade, just as predicted by those in the energy department utility rates have jumped in most parts of the nation. With the rates in the northeast and many parts of the west having the biggest spikes. However, the checks are going out to those effected home owners to make up the difference. The situation with the increase in the price of gasoline is proving to be somewhat harder to control with complaints coming in from across the nation. Many individuals however, have made adjustments to the new conditions and are doing their part in the environment. Thing are not perfect, but the government continues to reassure the public that things are under control.
Nine months after installing the new Cap and Trade policies, prices on some consumer goods begin to rise sharply. At first these price increases are in goods that required large quantities of energy in there production. The price of plastic containers goes through the roof and with that increase comes a corresponding increase in those good packaged in plastic containers. These increases are quickly followed by sudden increases in the price of all metal objects. At the same time the price of commercial fertilizer increases by over 100%. Consumers are now beginning to feel the pain, not only at the prices at the malls, but the huge increase in grocery prices. Inflation in now increasing at double digit rate and rapidly approaching 25% . People are becoming desperate. The government is compelled to act.
Under the influence of the environment lobby and other left leaning groups the Obama administration will not resend the restrictions imposed by Cap and Trade. Instead they turn toward more draconian measures. First among these are stringent price controls. This, it is hoped, will calm the increasing outrage expressed by the public. The central government points the finger at big industry and large distributors as the source of all the current problems. And urges farmers to increase production to drive down food prices.
Four months into price controls, consumers begin to notice increasing shortages, especially in the grocery stores. Many items which use to be plentiful are now hard to find and in many cases cannot be found at all. The large farms have stopped producing as the cost of production is higher that what they can sell they commodities for. Shortages continue to increase and the public is becoming restless and lines are beginning to form outside of grocery stores waiting for the next meager arrival of goods. Reports of violence in the lines is increasing. The economic planners in Washington seem at a lost to come up with solutions that work.
Eight months into price controls riots are breaking out in the large metropolitan centers and the local authorities are having to call on the state to help restore order. These measures prove to be inadequate and the states turn to the now all powerful federal government to assist in the quickly escalating violence. The federal government sends troops to the worst areas, but they are unable to control the many outbreaks of violence which have now spread into the suburbs and even some rural areas. Things are now OUT OF CONTROL.
One year into price controls,the Obama administration sensing a congressional blood bath in the upcoming off year elections issues an executive order postponing those elections violence increases. The military feeling the full sting of the public unrest and violence and there futile efforts to control things acts. They quickly move against those they blame for the still deteriorating situation. Obama is forced to resign and a new government is installed. We have had a military coup.
by Ron R.

I love a story with a happy ending.
boot out the whole lot of them, pelosi, reid,schumer,his entire cabinet,ok,ok,all the demonrats along with the rinos.
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