The Second Shooter at Ft. Hood: Extreme Political Correctness
The carpet is being pulled back and the ugly truth exposed and a second shooter is now revealed and his name is "Extreme Political Correctness". Nidal Malik Hasan, an officer in the Army Medical Corp, did not act alone, but was aided in his murderous rampage by another. One just as dangerous as Islamic terrorism, one placed in the mist of our troops by the Bush administration and promoted to the rank of General-of-Armies under the Obama administration, one that has forced loyal American soldiers to look the other way when hearing threatening remarks from their Muslim counterparts for fear of being branded racist and haters and drummed out of the service. This enemy from within is protected by the joint chiefs and senior military officers who fear the wrath of an out-of-control White House should they dare oppose or reveal the existence of this extremist. Some are coming forward now to tell their stories as the shock and disgust of the events at Fort Hood unfold. The politically correct thing to do, as it turns out, was not the thing to do and the generals are now rushing to cover their asses while those at the very top are preparing to "pass-the-buck" should the spotlight fall on them. As more and more come forward the picture of this co-conspirator will become clearer and he will face trial along side Nidal Malik Hasan and the American people will be his jury. A jury that will show little mercy and in the end will sentence him to death despite the pleas of those in Ron Russell
Your analogy to political correctness being the second shooter is spot on. There is no doubt that the fear of being branded a racist or an Islamo-phobe wa a reason why this man had never had action taken against him. Political correctness was the reason why such a terrible soldier as Hasan was promoted all the way to major.
Political correctness is dangerous and at Fort Hood, it was deadly.
Very well put sir!
Just heard a report this morning about the situation with Hasan at Walter Reed. NPR is reporting that a committee of doctors was concerned about his performance, but openly wondered at how it would look if they dismissed one of the few Muslims they had.
I have said, on my blog, many times, political correctness WILL be the death of this nation...
I don't suffer from that affliction, most of my readers, and your readers don't suffer it either, but if guys like us don't launch a REAL TRUTH TELLING session the likes of which the blog world has never seen, PCness will bury the Fort Hood massacre and the ragheads, wetbacks, and any other number of enemies of this nation will see nothing but a GREEN LIGHT!
Fight for all you're worth fellow PATRIOTS! America needs people like us, and needs us more than many Americans know or will admit!
Love the title of your post and it is correct. Today at the Fort Hood memorial... Dr. Phyllis Chesler comments:
"Obama said that “these soldiers could not escape the horror of war even at home”– but he failed to name what that war might be and who might be fighting it.
Indeed, Obama said that the fact they were killed on American soil is “incomprehensible.” He also made a point of proudly saying: “We are a nation whose commitment to justice is so enduring that we would treat a gunman (a “gunman, not a “jihadist”) and give him due process, just as surely as we will see that he pays for his crime (his “crime,” not his “act of war,” not even his “act of terrorism.”"
Political correctness continues...
Deborah F. Hamilton
Right Truth
Eventually people will stop listening to the words of this fool who sits in the Oval Office. Many are already turning a deaf ear to him!
You post is "dead" on. Unfortunately. I wrote an article for tomorrow on this very subject, titled, Fort Hood: Deadly consequences of Political Correctness.
Great job and great insight!
Great insight here man! And another acronym for the red blooded American lexicon! Truth speakers take note of this newly coined phrase.
The sufferers of EPC are killing us from the inside out! My very gut aches every time I hear a new detail about this rag head and how he was practically telling people he was getting ready to do something.
This calls for a full investigation from the inside out. It needs to hurt the powers that be so much that they realize how futile EPC is. Gut check time fedzilla!
ENOUGH is ENOUGH. Call them like you SEE them!
The Right Look
I call it the policy of appeasement, and its future we need look no further than the U.K.
You are absolutely correct. This horrible tragedy could have been avoided if there hadn't been political correctness involved. This is utterly disgraceful. In this instance, Heads need to roll. How dare our multiple government agencies that put our troops lives at risk on our homeland all due to complying with political correctness.
There truly are some oddities in this case, though.
Just why were Rick Perry and Ft. Hood authorities initially reporting there were "3 shooters" and "multiple shooters", with 1 shooter killed and two apprehended?
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