Friday, October 23, 2009

Body of 7 year old Somer Thompson found in Garbage Dump

The recent murder of a young Florida girl whose body was found in a garbage dump some 40 miles from the crime scene has again generated outrage from many Americans. An outrage that will soon subside with the passage of time and not return until the next ghastly case occurs. This American this father and grandfather is mad as hell at our politically correct news media, our judiciary who often bends over backward to protect the so-called rights of these murdering perverts and our overall society which in many ways is also responsible for such tragedies.

As I read the many articles associated with this case some things began to jump off the page at me. The body was found at a landfill---just a politically correct way of saying "garbage dump"! Why so nice just call the thing a garbage dump, that is after all how they found the body of Somer by following the "garbage dump trucks". Next they are questioning numerous "registered sexual offenders"--what! We knew about these freaks: including some known pedophiles in the area---give me a damn break--pedophile! They are questioning convicted rapist, and other sexual deviants and perverts and child abusers and child rapist. The perverted sick bastard who committed this sick act may never be found, but when he is you can be assured on one thing and only one thing there will be a long line of defense attorneys waiting to defend him in our failing judicial system. He will be read his rights and given three hot meals a day and have access to cable TV and whatever free medical services he needs. And its safe to say the trial will take a year or more before it starts and if convicted it will be years if not decades before a death sentence is carried out, even if one is given. This is what our great judicial system as come to. Its no longer about the law abiding citizen but has become about the criminal and the attorneys. Attorneys have found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow at the expense of the American tax-payer for we pay their bills for appeal after appeal after appeal! And in the end the pervert may walk free from the jailhouse while the families like those of Somer Thompson cry for justice. Cries that will fall on the deaf ears of an uncaring judiciary and the vulture-like lawyers that hoover around our court houses throughout this once great country.

Its time for a revolution! We need to toss out all political correctness, we need to toss out all judges and start will a totally new slate, we need to change all state laws so that justice can be swift and decisive as the Constitution calls for, finally if necessary we need to amend the constitution to help bring about these changes. But let the people, the common man write the new amendments needed and not some pie-faced lawyers. The language needs to be clear and not subject to judicial review---let the words stand as written and not be subject to the whims of some bleeding heart liberal who knows whats best for us all, but can't even find his own asshole.

Praying For Somer Thompson and Her Family Is Not Enough

Let’s use our anger and our sadness at this latest tragedy to do something genuinely positive for our nation. Child protection should be a national effort from the top down and the bottom up.

When we heard the news about Somer Thompson's body being found in a Georgia landfill on Thursday, a colleague said that she was going to pray for the child and her family. I responded that I would do the same. But after I said that, I thought there had to be more that all of us could do to protect our children. There’s just been too many of these kinds of horrors in the news and an important innocence –childhood innocence— is at stake.

I believe prayer is helpful for Somer’s family and Somer herself, but I also believe that prayer can give us a necessary “time out” from which to consider what exactly is going on in our world and our communities today. Why the loss of innocence and more important what we can do about it.Bottom line: why can’t kids safely walk to school anymore?

First, we have to ask question, could they ever?

I remember as a kid growing up in Queens in the early 1960s. There was a child killer on the loose. The manhunt captured the city for weeks. After he was caught, life went on for me and my friends, but the first life lesson learned was to be careful who you talk to no matter how nice they appear to be.

So in a way, violent reality threatening children isn’t new. But I think all of us can agree –and the crime statistics back this up— the rate and horrific nature of crimes against children is much worse than when many of us were kids and it’s changing the way childhood is lived for the worse. Even after we heard about that child killer, we were more careful, but our innocence was still intact.

Today we often hear the talking head lawyers speak to the issue of the rights of the accused with little consideration to the rights of the victim(s). As a research trained psychologist, I understand their argument, but also understand that if a killer was a one-time child molester, the probability that they will engage in that behavior again is greater than 68 per cent.

So first we have to agree that the danger is out there and ask what we can do to protect the potential victims.

For starters, a blue-ribbon commission of behavioral scientists and criminologists should be established to study this abhorrent behavior and recommendations made on how best to protect our children from these type of crimes. The science needs to drive this one. If there really can’t be a “cure” to this behavior then we have to face the fact that our criminal justice system must make new provisions to accommodate the psychological reality of these perpetrators.

But more important, child protection should be a national effort from the top down and the bottom up.

Surely in these divided times, we can still come together as a nation to protect our children and build stronger communities. What better way than for communities to organize child-protection efforts and our community-organizer-in-Chief to make an America where kids can safely walk to school again a presidential priority? Let’s use our anger and our sadness at this latest tragedy to do something genuinely positive for our nation.

Even after we’ve made serious inroads against this problem, we’ll still have to face the fact that the world will never be 100% safe. This doesn’t mean that childhood innocence has to be lost. The second step after making things safer is to actively restore some degree of innocence to our children and communities through making innocence a priority. read more....


Light Up Your Life said...

Thank you for sharing this. I have been meaning to do a write up on this myself, but I just cannot seem to get through it without crying or getting so entirely pissed off that I start throwing stuff across the room.

I hope they catch the DOG (because I can't think of anything worse to say that would be printable) and put him on death row.

Oh yeah, thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting. I am going to add a couple of your blogs to my list.

Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

you sound like you are in favor of sharia law. They take care of murders real quick with a sword and chopping off the head i bet you think that is better than the American way.

Matt said...

Thanks for putting some perspective on this.

For the troll, who can't even post his or her name, the individual gets a trial by his peers, and a judge to preside. Under sharia law, to which the libs turn a blind eye, mob justice takes hold. Under sharia law, this might have simply been an honor killing-nothing to see here!

The Right Look said...

I'll tell the troll fag that we do not believe in that form of justice. We believe in the American way of justice as long as it is not circumvented into what it is today.

I'd like to add that when they catch this perverted f$#k or f$#kers they should be extradited to Texas. Tried. Found guilty. Sentenced to death.

I heard a comedian joke once that Texas death row has an express lane.

That's the lane anyone who does anything like this to anyone should be put on. The Road to Hell.


Snarky Basterd said...

I'd like to find the person(s) who did this and introduce them to real pain. My own girl is 6. My prayers are with this family.

Ron Russell said...

The constitution requires a quick and speedy trial, but bench activists and trial lawyers have subverted the founders original ideas. We need a return to common sense. Quick trial, quick appeals and a rope or sparky chair at the end of the line for these freaks.

Right Truth said...

All those convicted sex perverts running around free, that's the problem. Either keep them locked up forever or perform a little surgery before releasing them. Florida seems to be overrun with them.

Deborah F. Hamilton
Right Truth

Ron Russell said...

Anony, Sharia law, I would perserve that for those ragheads we catch on the battle field and quickly dispatch them on a fast trip to see their virgins--no wonder they seek paradise by the time a girl is 11 over their she is no longer a virgin thanks to those twisted bearded child rapist. Haven't you heard child sodomy and rape are the national past time in those areas. Sharia law--hell no we don't need it just a return to the laws of our fathers and not the laws of liberal crazies like you---get a life and get lost.

Anonymous said...

We are living in an upside down world when the rights of the criminal trump the rights of the victim. I don't know where or when it started, but the criminals are now looked upon as victims and there are too many people who sympathize with and make excuses for the criminals. They cite a person's rough childhood or the like as a way to excuse or trivialize the crime. It is political correctness run amuck.

Anonymous said...

This is another very sad story of a child taken from us too early in life. The worst part is, if they di find the vile creature that commited this crime, justice will not be served.

Ron Russell said...

And should justice me done Timothy, it will be many years down the road---so you have it right justice will NOT be done!

Jill said...

The bodies of 2000 American children are put broken into dumpsters daily-after abortions. Where is the outrage for them?

Teresa said...

This monster deserves to be put on death row. He deserves worse...but I can't say anymore in writing. We must protect the innocent children in our society. Who cares about the scumbags rights. IMHO, these low life scumbags of the earth lose their rights when they commit evil acts like this, especially against a child. Somehow, we need to stop the cycle of molesting and murdering. We need to make prison tough as nails, and not like a playground.