We've all heard the expression, "a mirror image". Most think the image and the reflection are the same when in reality---they are opposites. What we saw and heard from Obama on the campaign trail was one thing (the mirror image), and what we are getting now is the true Obama. A far left politician with an almost alien agenda. He simply wants to change American into his personal vision of what he thinks America should be. His ideals come from years of influence by people who believe that capitalism is an evil and corrupt system. He is using the economic downturn, which is a normal part of a free market system, to advance his agenda. An agenda not of the European socialist kind, but one far more radical and foreign to the traditional American system. This is a power grab that puts the efforts of Hugo Chavez to shame. Its beginning to take shape and some see the looming danger it presents while others stand in awe waiting for the next words of the great orator.
Love the "three-eye look" in the image.
I'm afraid some of the Republicans are falling for the 'Obama magic'. He's meeting with the Senate Republicans today. I sure hope they are tougher on him than those Republicans who met with him earlier this week.
Right Truth
To be honest, it's not just two faces we're seeing here, it's 3 or even four, the guy is a leftist for sure, but even then he's not consistent, it's like he forgets what he said/did 3 days ago.
I used to think he was 'demonically' clever--now-I don't know- maybe he's just dumb...and is more like an automaton - run by those who surround him...
He is definitely two-faced. He is a radical set on destroying the very fabric of this nation. He despises our Founding Fathers and their principles and values. We must stop his remaking of America.
You nailed the asshat to the wall.
He is a radical, socialist
pig that hates this country
and all it has given him and
his wife who also makes me ill.
Now she is even out there
trolling the virtures of
obumacare. Sick Sick Sick!
Not tbeing disrespectful to POTUS but if we speed up Teleprompter's head during his speeches, it would look like your photo! A freaky cyclops. Great points in your comments.
Debbie, BHO already met with Republicans. Today, the Republicans are jumping all over him. Today, the Senate Dems are away at a Retreat and BHO is on the road in NH spewing falsehoods.
He moved to the center during the campaign, but the real Obama is in full view now. ANd it is not pretty, he does not like what America stands for and he wants to change her. I find this man to be reprehensible on so many levels.
I agree with this. We cannot come close to understanding the depth of his intentions. The best we can do realize that his plans for himself bring the worst for our country, in a way we've never considered before.
I think he does not believe that he maybe a one-term president. He needs two make himself a permanent fixture in the White House. He also needs to continue to add more radicals to Congress to make it happen, and that may be his first downfall.
That middle eye looks downright evil!
Obama is the man with the silver tongue, eloquently telling us one thing, radically doing another. I'm a poll watcher and I noticed he got a pretty good bounce after his SOTU address. I thought his address was average at best. However if the American people are this easily manipulated by a traveling salesman peddling his snake oil, I fear we will lose our great republic.
The red color for your font is appropriate; this asshole is tried and true commie.
His ship is sinking and everybody knows it. The question is, how much damage will he do?
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