Obama Faces White Flight
America's first post-racial president, the great uniter, the hope and change man of the century is losing his mojo and quickly becoming America's greatest racist president. Yes, a well kept liberal secret is out, a black man can be a racist. And those who foolishly took the appealing bait of "hope and change" are now tasting the bitter pill of "bait and switch". Whites who supported this great black hope are now deserting in great numbers as the truth about this so-called post-racial president is seen by more and more who are willing to accept the realities presented to them each day. Many however, retain their faith in this great one and will continue to follow blindly as he leads them over the cliff. It seems that some 90% of blacks retain their loyalty toward the president, and this support can best be summed up by the "Obama Money" they are hoping to get! White support among Democrats remains at 80% indicating that they are as stupid as ever---nothing new here. Yes, Mr. Obama "Hope and Change has now turned to "Hope for Change". Whitey has finally seen the truth and truly heard the words of Rev. Wright and his prize protege pupil, the president, and now see that they both hate America. Just 39 percent of white Americans now approve of President Obama's job performance, a steep drop-off of support since he was inaugurated in January, according to the latest Gallup Poll.
In his first full week in office, starting Jan. 26, just over six in 10 white people gave him their approval. Now that number is down to under four in 10, indicating a net drop of 22 points.
Black voters, meanwhile, have continued to support Obama to the tune of approximately 90 percent. And Democrats and liberals give Obama approval ratings of above 80 percent.
"Though he maintains widespread loyalty among Democrats, the small loss in support he has seen from his fellow partisans seems to be exclusively from white Democrats," Gallup's finding says.
The most recent survey of 3,611 adults has a 2 percent margin of error. Source: Politico
Buyer's remorse is running rampant among all who voted for "Hope and Change"... Even Charles Payne CEO of Wall Street Strategies and Fox News contributer (whom I hold in high regard) had to sit on Glenn Beck's show surrounded by a panel of Black Americans and admit that he had been duped into voting for Obama... Something that he must regret every day...
I also watched that Beck show and was actually surprised that Charles voted for him, but he has certainly seen the light now. I also like and respect Charles Payne.
Interest stats that, it's good to see people are waking up, too bad the democrats can't grow the brains to see their dear leader for what he really is.
Then again those morons really do want socialism, and he's doing a swell job of foisting that upon you folks.
Very interesting stats but not very surprising. Many people let themselves get duped because they willinging rely on the MSM for their news, who of course kiss Obama's fanny.
I liken it to people who won't read the Bible because they knoe they'll feel convicted. They trest Fox News the same way. Think about it.
The signs were there before the election that showed us who Obama really was. Nobody wanted to hear it though and those that spoke about his past were called racists. Now everyone can see what Obama really stands for and they are having second thoughts.
The decline and fall of Obama... We can only HOPE, ha.
Obama's win was more due to "Bush Fatigue" rather than the desire for hopeless change. The far left wants all the socialism, and is becoming restless that Obama hasn't delivered their "worker's paradise." They'll never figure it out, even if they kill their granny and make them starve. The middle is turning, and Obama can't stop it.
I agree on the Bush fatique, but the economic downturn and the novelty of a black president on the part of many---all were major factors in the election. The center is turning, but they are a fickle bunch with not firm convictions for the most part.
I just wonder why in the world it had to come to this in the first place? Why were people so blinded that they could not see him for what he is, before they voted for him?
At the risk of sounding like a smart alec, I want to ask them, "how's that hope and change working for you now?".
The great unite sure is doing a great job bringing people of all races together. I just do not understand why so many black people vote for Democrats?
Blacks pedominantly vote for Democrats because they have been enslaved to them through their entitlement programs... Please allow me to say that not all blacks have succumed to the lies that the Democrats have force fed them in order to get their vote... Thomas Sowell and Charles Payne are exemplary of the fact they couldn't brainwash everyone, unlike Danny Glover who prefers Chaves over Thomas Jefferson... I through my own stupidity have spent the past 22 years in a wheelchair, but still maintain that the easiest way to cripple someone is to hand them a crutch...
Born Again American, I am aware of that---the entitlement programs have caught many in a vicious trap, but like you say not all fall for this scam. My son-in-law is black and a very successful businessman in South Florida and will have no part of the Democrats.
Like your site Ron. As you can tell from the date on this, I've read down through your posts and am well impressed. This one I had to comment on.
Between the "White Guilt", and the black loyalty, one thing is for certain. IF we get to vote in 2010/12/14/16 (You know that's why he is having the KSM trial in NY, to create an emergency so he can freeze the elections.), we won't have to worry about this socialist garbage being foist upon the public for another 20 years or so.
OH, OH! Look at this one! Sorry to plug me, but you've got to see this!
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