Sunday, December 27, 2009

Umar - Barack - Terrorist Rights and Other Stupid Things

Al qaeda terrorist Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab, attempts to meet his 72 virgins aboard Northwest Airline Flight 253 shortly before that plane lands in Detroit in route from Amsterdam. Fortunately for passengers aboard flight 253 the bomb strapped to his leg was a fizzle and not a bang. Umar (raghead) Mutallab, was subdued by fellow passengers immediately following the small smoking pop. This was probably the roughest treatment he will have from this point on from the Obama Justice Department.

One can easily picture Omar requesting an attorney at this point and Eric Holders justice department quickly complying, even though this foreigner was on an international flight. He will be afforded all the constitutional rights you and I have including avoiding questioning without his attorney being present. He undoubtedly possesses a treasure trove of information that would thwart future attacks, but this information will not be obtained by the polite agents in Obama's FBI. Just think if Bush was still president, this guy would have been escorted from the plane by the FBI, then turned over to the CIA or some group like it and immediately got a swift punch in the gut once inside that black SUV at the airport and within 24-48 hours we would know what he had for lunch a month ago. Not now, not under Obama, not under an administration that believes in the rights of a foreign terrorist more than the safety of its own citizens. Valuable information could be forthcoming, but not this time, unless this guy just loves to hear himself talk.

Obama will undoubtedly hold a news conference in the next few days where he will say the suspect is talking and useful information is being obtained. He will not cite what information calling that classified. Bush would say the same in similar circumstances, the difference being that while Obama's primary concern seems to be the rights of the terrorist and Bush's is the safety of Americans. Bush had faults and did some things wrong, while Obama has faults and does nothing right.


TexasFred said...

The way things have been going lately, the SEALs facing court martial for supposedly punching a terrorist, this son of a bitch from Nigeria may well sue and win, thus becoming a RICH America hating raghead!

Bloviating Zeppelin said...

I'm sure he'll try to sue the passenger who grabbed him. And contrary to what the Leftists are saying and writing, this asshole had PETN in his possession and THAT is very unstable.


Dymphna said...

He's already quite rich. Have you seen pictures of his $2 mil flat in a very exclusive part of London?

The new directive coming out of this incident is that all passengers must remain strapped in their seats for the last hour of any flight. This is surely one of the most ignorant "safety" rules in a long, ignominous line of bureaucratic moronic injunctions.

It's also one of the most suicidal, if any passenger were to follow it as he observed smoke and fire in the seats near his and just obediently sat there, doing nothing.

Someone or ones who fly a great deal needs to get this stupidity before a court of law, preferably not in California. For short commuter hops, this rule means that essentially you're trapped for an hour. Maybe mass urinations where people sit would be enough to get the rule changed?

What I mean is that it has to be an over-the-top response to a crazy rule. Just carry fresh clothing and a sealable plastic bag for the soiled stuff. Wear old, washable clothes for your plane trip and change at the airport.

Saul Alinsky would definitely approve of my suggestion.

Maybe Obama is trying to kill off the airline industry?

Snarky Basterd said...

He'll certainly be demanding free underwear, though I'm sure from this day forth security will be watching him get dressed forever. I hope it hurts to have your nuts scorched.

Matt said...

Well, the guy obviously is going to have problems. A: He doesn't get his 72 virgins, and ...B: even if he does...well, you know.

Teresa said...

The terrorist has definitely got problems, but I think that he won't have much to worry about after Obama and company gives him their special treatment. This PC crap has got to stop.

Anonymous said...

Fred beat me to my point, I was going to say that he would probably be allowed to sue the men who subdued him for being too rough.

Right Truth said...

I just saw on the news that he "might / could get 20 years". We all know that isn't enough and we know he probably won't get that.

Right Truth