Quit breathing or just drop dead. Yes, you heard me right. The EPA is getting ready to declare man-made carbon dioxide a public danger and a cause of global warming that awful thing we've been warned about now for years by those scientific scholars who always put their work above an personal or political agenda. The head of the EPA, Lisa Jackson could not possibly have any personal or political reasons for placing carbon dioxide on the dangerous greenhouse gases list she is above such things, being an unelected official appointed by Obama; therefore she is only concerned about the welfare of the nation and of the world. We humans and our animal friends are the biggest emitters of carbon dioxide on the planet, so perhaps we should just all drop dead and the problem would be solved. But then the poor plants of the world would have nothing to breathe as they take in that awful "greenhouse gas" we emit, carbon dioxide , and give us back the oxygen we breathe. Seriously, if carbon dioxide is labeled a greenhouse gas by the EPA, then this is nothing but a back door to a non-legislative "cap and trade" with many large CO2 emitters such as power companies, cement kilns, oil refineries and chemical plants having to make very expensive improvements to curb greenhouse gas output with those cost being passed on the the American consumer in the form of higher utilities, higher prices at the pump and higher prices on almost everything we buy, including the food we eat. Hell, maybe they just are planning to starve us to death.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will early next week, possibly as soon as Monday, officially declare carbon dioxide a public danger, a trigger that could mean regulation for emitters across the economy, according to several people close to the matter.
Such an "endangerment" decision is necessary for the EPA to move ahead early next year with new emission standards for cars. EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson has said it could also mean large emitters such as power stations, cement kilns, crude-oil refineries and chemical plants would have to curb their greenhouse gas output.
The announcement would also give President Barack Obama and his climate envoy negotiating leverage at a global climate summit starting next week in Copenhagen, Denmark and increase pressure on Congress to pass a climate bill that would modify the price of polluting.
While environmentalists celebrate EPA's authority to regulate greenhouse gases, it has caused many large emitters to cringe at the potential costs of compliance.
According to a preliminary endangerment finding published in April, EPA scientists fear that man-made carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are contributing to a warming of the global climate. Senior EPA officials said in November the agency would likely make a final decision in December around the time of the summit. read more from FOX
I wonder how they are going to explain this one? I honestly do not see how they can legitimately classify something that is so essential to the way nature works as a public danger. Do they not understand how these things work? Despite what they may think, God did know what he was doing when it created the earth and nature.
"We humans and our animal friends are the biggest emitters of carbon dioxide on the planet, so perhaps we should just all drop dead and the problem would be solved."
That's what they want deep down inside, but they can't really say it publicly. If you do everything the liberals or leftists propose, you'll either end up dead or live a miserable life.
If the consequences of this hoax were not so drastically terrifying, it would make people laugh. What we breath out is now a toxic substance? Who could have ever believed this would turn into a religion?
Debbie Right Truth http://www.righttruth.typepad.com
When it snows in Louisiana that should be all the proof they need that Gore is full of shit. The only global warming i see is the hot air coming from the Demwits in Washington.
I think we're all going to have fun with the weather over the next few weeks. I'm with LD, with one addition; God has to have a great sense of humor. These moonbats gather to take our freedoms, and God turns down the thermostat to make a mockery of them.
It's kind of like when global warming protesters were doing their thing at a Mike Huckabee campaign rally in Iowa. There was about two feet of snow on the ground during that one. Their protest didn't quite have the sting they wanted.
They are running an end around on this issue. It looks like the cap and trade bill will not pass so instead of implementing it with legislation they are going to force us into these regulations. These people will stop at nothing to push ahead their radical agenda. All this time I was taught that we exhaled the gas that was needed for plants and trees to survive and now they are trying to tell us that co2 is bad for the environment when it is a vital and necessary part of nature. These people are insane and they are driving me insane also.
I wonder how they are going to explain this one? I honestly do not see how they can legitimately classify something that is so essential to the way nature works as a public danger. Do they not understand how these things work? Despite what they may think, God did know what he was doing when it created the earth and nature.
The only toxic gas we need to ban is BO2...
I have held my breath for 24 hours. Am I helping out any?
I don't think many on the radical environmental bandwagon think God created earth LD.
The EPA announcement was a crock. Dangerous to the economic health of the country, yes. But a crock nevertheless. Time to write the Congressman.
With this HIGH FIBER diet I am on, and the extra fiber tablets I am taking, I don't think breathing is the problem...
"We humans and our animal friends are the biggest emitters of carbon dioxide on the planet, so perhaps we should just all drop dead and the problem would be solved."
That's what they want deep down inside, but they can't really say it publicly. If you do everything the liberals or leftists propose, you'll either end up dead or live a miserable life.
Just because they don't believe it doesn't take away from the fact that it is true.
If the consequences of this hoax were not so drastically terrifying, it would make people laugh. What we breath out is now a toxic substance? Who could have ever believed this would turn into a religion?
Right Truth
When it snows in Louisiana that should be all the proof they need that Gore is full of shit. The only global warming i see is the hot air coming from the Demwits in Washington.
I think we're all going to have fun with the weather over the next few weeks. I'm with LD, with one addition; God has to have a great sense of humor. These moonbats gather to take our freedoms, and God turns down the thermostat to make a mockery of them.
Hey, I'd be perfectly happy if the Libtards stopped breathing and drop dead. Plus we could recycle them for fuel. I'm thinking win-win, here.
It's kind of like when global warming protesters were doing their thing at a Mike Huckabee campaign rally in Iowa. There was about two feet of snow on the ground during that one. Their protest didn't quite have the sting they wanted.
They are running an end around on this issue. It looks like the cap and trade bill will not pass so instead of implementing it with legislation they are going to force us into these regulations. These people will stop at nothing to push ahead their radical agenda.
All this time I was taught that we exhaled the gas that was needed for plants and trees to survive and now they are trying to tell us that co2 is bad for the environment when it is a vital and necessary part of nature. These people are insane and they are driving me insane also.
This would be hilarious if the effects were not so horrendous. These moon bats are insane.
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