Pelosi: Americans Would Accept More Red Ink in Exchange for Jobs
More debt will create more jobs according to Nancy Pelosi. Nancy urges more government spending to increase job growth. Yes the California liberal is falling back on the old and time tested Keynesian idea that government can create jobs. There seems to be little doubt that massive amounts of government money (your money) will in the short run create more jobs, the catch however is what kind of jobs and for whom. The Democrats keep talking about infrastructure jobs--roads, bridge, public works projects, etc. while insisting that these new jobs have only union workers. They would also increase the number of workers on the public payroll at the city, state and federal level. Sadly all these new jobs create nothing, they simply take from the public treasury while putting little back. Nancy wants jobs, not for everyone, but for those who traditionally support Democrats---big labor, government workers and other such groups. More red ink for more jobs, yes that's a great plan if you are a Democrat and not the man on the street who must pay through the nose to provide for Nancy's supporters. This California Democrat would drive the United States government into the same ditch that those in California find themselves in now. They never learn.Pelosi: Americans Would Accept More Red Ink in Exchange for Jobs
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says Americans could "absorb" higher deficits in exchange for more jobs.
Building the case for a brand new jobs-creation bill, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says most Americans would not mind inflating the already-gaping deficit in exchange for more jobs.
The California Democrat said on a conference call Tuesday that Americans could "absorb" the hit to the federal budget, and she argued that their biggest complaint is not that the deficit is big -- it's that they're not seeing any benefit in return for increasing the U.S. debt load.
Despite the $787 billion stimulus package passed in February, unemployment climbed to 10.2 percent in October. While critics cite the jobless rate as a sign that the stimulus has failed, Pelosi argues that the federal government is just not trying hard enough.
"We have to shed any weakness that anybody may have about not wanting to be confrontational on this subject for fear that we'd be labeled not sensitive to the deficit," Pelosi said, in a recording posted by Think Progress. read more from FOX
I guess she figures that the stimulus bill worked so well that she wants to spend even more money? They will never learn that spending money does not create jobs, they should have learned this with the stimulus bill failure but they just don't get it. The only jobs that a government can create are government jobs.
It seems to me that the one thing a government can do to stimulate the economy is to cut taxes, this would encourage businesses to begin hiring again. But that is not ever going to happen with this administration. Businesses are not going to start hiring again until they know how much the healthcare reform bill and cap and trade are going to cost them.
The more I think about this Mr Pink Eyes the more I believe they are just trying to provide jobs for their special interest.....
After the "jobs converence" Obama has, he made statements to the press. In those statements he said something very telling "there are not enough public jobs to employ everybody, so we have to depend on private business..."
Think about that. It's like he is mourning the fact that the government can't employ everyone, which is exactly what he WANTS to happen.
Complete dependence on government is their goal.
Right Truth
After the "jobs converence" Obama has, he made statements to the press. In those statements he said something very telling "there are not enough public jobs to employ everybody, so we have to depend on private business..."
Think about that. It's like he is mourning the fact that the government can't employ everyone, which is exactly what he WANTS to happen.
Complete dependence on government is their goal.
Right Truth
Oops, not sure why my comment posted twice, and I misspelled conference. Sorry.
The inmates are running the asylum... I'm not sure if a frontal labotomy would not be a good idea for most if not all in Congress...
Their latest brilliant idea is to use repaid TARP money to create jobs... I don't know about you, but I can't wait to see just how well that works out...
What probably bothers me the most is that my daughter lives in California and I'm afraid she has been drinking the "Kool - Aide"...
I agree with Debbie, twice!
The more people that are on the "government drug," the more power they get. They'll use fear over losing benefits to get more and more people to vote for them.
That's the left for you, they insist on foisting what has not worked and only lead to disaster upon you, it's not that they can't or don't learn, they simply won't. And that's because they never have your best interests at heart.
This congress may be the most absurd collection of individuals in history. I think they should focus next on a bailout of the dot-matrix printer industry. Think about all the jobs they can save!
Alright, I have an idea. If the progressives love spending so much than I think they should pay for all the debt that was created by themselves. Or, they should even try funding themselves through other Democrats and see how sh*t out of luck they'll be. I say have a dang tax revolt. This outrageous spending is getting utterly ridiculous. Maybe, they'd wake up if they didn't have any money because we refused to pay taxes. We need to stop aiding these thieves.
This "house" that's divided cannot stand by itself for much longer.
Now that is going to be something to see!
The Right Look
I agree Ron.
This woman's rationale is enough to drive you to drink! I mean come on! I often wonder if she ever thinks before she speaks. Or does she believe have of what she says?
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