This is a story long overdue. Dateline El Paso, Texas: ground was broke today on a new border security project. This will entail digging a 2000 mile long trench 15 feet deep and 100 feet wide from Brownville, Texas to San Diego, Ca. The dirt from the massive trench will be trucked to New Orleans and used to raise the hundreds of miles of levees surrounding that city. Additionally, once the trench is filled with water an estimated 200,000 alligators will be relocated from Florida (where they have become a nuisance) to the 2,000 mile long moat. This massive project which will solve the border problem, the Florida alligator problem, and the levee problem of New Orleans is the brain child of a young 12 year old girl from Liberty, Mississippi. President Sarah Palin is awarding the young girl “The Presidential Medal of Freedom”, the nations highest civilian honor, at a special White House ceremony this coming Monday. The ceremony will be attended by former presidents Bill Clinton, H.W. Bush, and G.W. Bush. Vice President Jeb Bush will also attend the event. Former president Barack H. Obama, living in exile, in Kenya will not attend.
First published one year ago today---I'll still waiting!!

That's great. I especially like the Obama living in exile in Kenya part. When can he leave???
Right Truth
Maybe we can put all of the oil from the spill in that thing too? Just thinking...
And use some of the dirt to make the booms that the citizens of Louisiana were promised but have yet to happen?
great idea for border security-use of the dirt!! environmentalism at its best :-) and---
I especially liked this .."Former president Barack H. Obama, living in exile, in Kenya will not attend."!!!
Outstanding! All I ask for is that we also find a way to maintain the a steady supply of good Mexican food. I miss miss Mexican food.
Killing three birds with one stone, I love it! I will be waiting also, but I won't be holding my breath.
That's the best news I've heard in a long time ... ALL OF IT!!!!
This is also good news for all our unemployed who will now have ditch digging, alligator wrangling to add to their resume..........
You had me going for a second there. :)
One problem with it though, what makes you think the Kenyans will want him. They have enough problems of their own, they don't need to import any more.
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