Here we have two leaders, one Tony Hayward the CEO of British Petroleum and the other Barack Hussein Obama the President of the United States. One helps produce petroleum, the engine of the world's economies, the other produces nothing but bullshit, the substance that come from the mouths of politicians and is totally worthless. Tony has worked all his life producing things that are needed by all of us and Barack has worked all his life producing absolutely nothing. When Tony makes a mistake his company picks up the tab, when Barack makes a mistake we all pick up the tab. Which of these two leaders is the real villain? Think about it!

Exactly right Ron and to add to your post the ceo of BP is far more accountable than zero will ever be.
The CEO of BP has kept a promise or two.
BO has never lead anything in his life so I'm going to side with the CEO on this one too.
All in all, deep-water drilling has had a pretty safe record and they would be drilling in easier places if the enviro-wacko's hadn't pushed them way out there.
The law of unintended consequences....the Greenies actions actually caused MORE harm to the planet. Way to think things through, people.
We need to find a way to turn Obama's bullshit / lies into an energy source... That would keep the countries energy needs in check for centuries to come...
Ron, you fit more sense into one paragraph than most "progressives" put into entire books.
BP is drawing the line at Obama's last demand that they pay for the lost wages resulting from Obama's 6 month stop of offshore drilling, which is nuts.
Obama had no business experience at all. I can't say that the BP execs have done a great job of PR, or of cleanup, or of using help that was offered. Seems like maybe they are both doing a lousy job of this cleanup.
Would be nice to see Hayward slap Obama, heh
Right Truth
BP is currently suffering through the consequences of lapses in their field operations. They do have a 'history.' But, to put it politely, Obama is about as useful as the top button on a golf shirt.
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