Traditionally the White House displays its "Creche", the Nativity Scene during the Christmas season. Desiree Rogers revealed that there had been serious discussions about banning the scene this year, but that finally decided to go along with tradition. The mere idea that the Obama's would even consider kicking the "baby Jesus" out of the White House is disgusting and repugnant to most Americans who live outside the beltway and no not travel in "progressive" circles as does our new president. Turning baby Jesus away from the White House Inn would remind people of King Herod and many would see Obama taking that role. I suppose this is one time our "political correct" president thought about the man on the street and decided not to cross him of this. But then there is always next year and the spectacle of the baby Jesus being booted from the White by a man who is looking more like a Muslim with each passing day looms as a distinct possibility. Read story.
I'm sure they will find some other PC way to ruin the season. If his ego keeps going he will soon replace it with his own holiday. It could focus on his miraculous certificate of live birth.
A "non-religious Christmas?" That expression doesn't even make sense. Honestly, it doesn't surprise me coming from this man. Nothing really does any more.
I have to echo what Mr. Pink Eyes said. How do you have a non-religious Christmas? I thought this season was supposed to be all about that?
You just gave me a great idea for a piece. Thanks man! I'll h/t ya.
I'm not sure anything is out of bounds for this President.
Mr. Pink Eyes is right, a "non-religious Christmas?" doesn't make sense. But, these liberals don't make sense. I think that there minds have been warped so badly that they have no idea what common sense means. This administration stoops gutter low, so not much surprises me of what comes from BO or his minions.
A "non-religious Christmas?"
Has all the appeal of a non-alcoholic beer...
"that's par for the course"
He is a leftist after all, they hate Christianity, always have and always will.
I'm actually surprised the scumbag didn't put the pedophile mohammed in there in place of Christ.
Muslim Enid was certainly not non-religious, bug Iftar dinner.
They changed their mind, but the poop already hit the fan.
Right Truth
Damn Fred, "all the appeal of non-alcoholic beer" that's a great analogy.
Irrespective of that, this Kiwi wishes you and yours a happy and relaxed time with good people.
"laughter and the love of friends"
I would like to ask the Obama's who they, "Christians" could have a non-religious Christmas and send Jesus packing.
Ron Russell - That's a fine piece of poetry on Debbie's Post!
If you have the time, I'd appreciate your placing it in S/H Comment Section.
Cordially, reb
Snake Hunter, I don't know the piece you are speaking about--I comment on Debbie's site each day, sorry!
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