At his point in what will be a long uphill struggle, we must not search for that candidate who is represents all we agree with for that man doesn't exist. We must have a limited approach and like a toddler, take one step at a time building a strong foundation as we progress toward our goal. A strong house isn't built over night and without a solid foundation isn't worth having. Like most who read this blog, I would prefer that the Tea Party movement adopt strong stands on social issues, but that is not to be at this time. We will have time somewhere down the line for that, after all victory will come to the patient. The road ahead is filled with many obstacles and hidden mines and must be navigated slowly and methodically less we fall victim to our own zeal and eagerness for victory.
Now is the time for caution, and although we can begin to see some light it would be a mistake to rush the center of the enemy's line as Lee did at Gettysburg in hope of achieving that crowning victory. The enemy's flank is weak, let us hit him there and then advance on to Washington!!!
They will bleed to death and be just as dead from thousands of little cuts as opposed to one dagger to the heart... Like a prize fighter, keep attacking the body, soon the hands will drop and a well placed blow to the head will be all that is needed...
Our resolve will triumph...
Good advice, Ron. Let us seek out and support GOP candidates that we can count on in a pinch.
As we have seen, the Progressives in Congress and the White House are not moved by mass demonstrations. So, while demonstrations have some usefulness, it would be near-sighted of the Tea Party movement to be content with that mode of operation. It would be good if they would quietly seek out those candidates that are Federalists in their thinking and support those candidacies.
Maybe we need a 912 pledge for candidates, since it layouts the 9 principles and 12 values (or maybe I have it turned around). Tea Parties and the 912 groups seem to work well together.
I'm not ready for another party. I'm for conservatives getting into office. As you say, maybe another time.
Amen Brother.
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